I have looked around (here amongst others) but still don't know one thing
- can I chose the relevant qualifying period?
Here is my situation:
Code: Select all
1 year 5 years
|<------->| |<--------------------------->|
| 1 job | | preferred 'relevant |
| under | "dark ages" | qualifying period' | "first steps"
| WRS | | |
. . . .
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
June June 15th September 15th September
- I'm a member of A8 group and came to Britain in June 2006 and spent 1 year working under Worker Registration Scheme (WRS) (easy!).
- Then a mixture of work and full time study.
- Then from 2011 full time jobs.
- Then since September 2015 I've been self-employed.
- I have mountains of evidence for the old days, but everything I have is stored electronically (yes, my fault)
- I cannot arrange for originals of the old evidence because: companies don't exist or don't have data, banks don't keep statements for that long etc.
- I can have/arrange for the original evidence of various origin for the preferred relevant qualifying period
- I haven't registered my self-employment yet because I didn't strictly have to (as I understand) and was busy starting the fledgling business so - no evidence (any danger here?)
- it's not clear from the guide
- the form often ask for listing everything from the date I first entered UK
- I'm assuming I only need to provide the documents for the relevant qualifying period
- given that you can get another chance if you don't qualify I assume that the relevant qualifying period can be chosen differently for the next attempt
Thanks for reading and hopefully sharing your views on the subject matter however painful the truth is (laugher of a madman, getting closer to becoming one every minute...).