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Archive » Europe » WP for GC holders family members

Junior Member
Member # 5932
Posted October 25, 2002 10:19 AM
Hi All,

I'm trying to find some informations regarding WP for GC holders family members - in my wife in this case - other that IT/GC.

After reading in the "Broschüre des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Sozialordnung zum IT-Sofortprogramm der Bundesregierung" [ under Labour/GreenCard/ The Federal Rebublic of Germany´s IT-specialists Temporary Relief Program] page 12:

Question:I have a spouse and unmarried children under the age of 16. May I bring them with me to Germany when I start my job?
Answer: One year after arriving in Germany, your spouse will be eligible for a work permit. After having lived in Germany for two years as a married couple the spouse has a right to work.

So far I managed to change from my wife's passport the sentence "Erwerbstatigkeit nich gestatett" into "Arbeitserlaubnispflichtige Erwerbstätigkeit nur gem. gültiger Arbeitserlaubnis gestattet" that means that she has the right for a WP.

- now, after living in Germany for more than 1 year, can I ask for a WP, without finding first a company who will hire her, and without any Arbeitsmarkt check?
- which is the regulation after 2 years (in the broschure is written - has a right to work); that means that no check will be made on the job market and she will receive the wp?

Any sugestions, answers are more than welcome. Thanks in advance. Best regards,



Junior Member
Member # 5932
Posted October 29, 2002 04:08 PM

Still nobody who can answer to my questions. Still waiting ...
Regards, Almos



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