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Archive » Australia and New Zealand » IT jobmarket - Chicken & Egg story in australia

Junior Member
Member # 1019
Posted December 11, 2001 09:26 AM
I have seen/read in website and newspapers that Australia is inviting IT professionals. Like this which i saw in

"Australia's 2000-01 Migration Program places emphasis on attracting new migrants who have education or work skills which will contribute to Australia's economic growth. The IT&T category has been widely recognised as one of the most critical of required skill sets in this country. There has never been a better time to seek career opportunities in Australia!"

However the most frustrating is whenever I apply to any job opening in Australia, I get a response - Do you have PR? If not, then there is url for immigration.

It is a chicken and egg story. How do I work in Australia? Which are the websites that have employers who are willing to sponsor of Temporary Stay Visa (4 years)till my PR application is in process ?

[ December 11, 2001: Message edited by: santosh1 ]


Accountant Discussion Board

Member # 5
Posted December 11, 2001 05:53 PM
Hi Santosh

I understand and empathise with your problem, one which many IT Professionals have.

The immigration authorities in Australia HAVE in fact laxed the rules on Long-STay Temporary Business Visas as well, in that employers no longer have to perform LMT (Labour Market Testing) on IT positions offered to overseas candidates. The problem is, many Australian employers don't realise that the process of sponsorship is much easier than it seems, and we are here to help!

There are employers in Australia who are already Pre-qualified Business sponsors and who are willing to take the "time" to sponsor highly-qualified individuals - you just have to keep looking!

Also, PR applications are now taking less than six months to process if you are an IT professional, so now is the time to begin the process.

Let me know how we can help!

Good luck,



Elfa Kere, Consultant

Junior Member
Member # 1019
Posted December 26, 2001 04:34 AM
Hello Elfa,

Does ERP/Ecom implementation Consultants fall in the purview of IT professionals? Since IT professionals are generally perceived as one who does programming.



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