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Seeking Sponsorship for U4U Program

USA immigration, green card questions:
Employment based Green Cards | H-1B visas | Family based Visas | Citizenship

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Seeking Sponsorship for U4U Program

Post by HelenaP » Sat Aug 19, 2023 12:43 pm

Hello everyone, :)

We trust this message finds you in good health and high spirits.

I'm Helena, and my husband and I are planning our move to the USA. We hold sincere hope in finding a person who would kindly consider becoming our sponsor, aiding us in the documentation process through the U4U program.

Allow us to introduce ourselves: I'm 27 years old, currently involved in promoting businesses through social media. I possess experience in this field and maintain an intermediate level of English. I'm actively working to improve my language skills to ensure a smoother transition to our new home. My husband, Ivan, is 31 years old and specializes in website design. His English proficiency is also at an intermediate level. We don't have children or pets.

Upon our arrival in the US, our plan includes renting an apartment and swiftly securing employment. Therefore, assistance with accommodation isn't required. Regrettably, we lack friends or family residing in the US who could assist us with the necessary documentation. This leads us to reach out to you, the community.

If you're open to lending us a hand, kindly respond to this message in the comments section.

Warmest regards,

Helena and Ivan :)

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Re: Seeking Sponsorship for U4U Program

Post by lolo2 » Sat Aug 19, 2023 6:36 pm

I think it'll be hard to find a sponsor for this program through this forum.

There's an organization - operating with the recognition of USCIS - that have a website where potential sponsors and people looking for sponsors are registered. Take a look at: Welcome.US

There are specific dates for registration, just need to keep a peeled eye.

Also some people use social media to find sponsors, just need to exercise due care during the search.

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Re: Seeking Sponsorship for U4U Program

Post by HelenaP » Mon Aug 21, 2023 1:13 pm

Hello, thanks for your help.

I will definitely visit this site, I hope I get lucky.

I also tried to search through social media, but there are a lot of scammers, and it's hard to know who you can trust.

Thank you, have a great day!

Regards, Helena)

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Re: Seeking Sponsorship for U4U Program

Post by lolo2 » Wed Aug 23, 2023 5:57 pm

Scammers are everywhere, just bear in mind that there's no fee to apply for this process. Anyone asking for money or sensible/irrelevant information most likely is a scammer.

Use social media to do networking with fellow Ukrainian citizens who have successfully been paroled through the program and already in the US. They can be a way to introduce you to other potential sponsors in the country.
