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Sent AN form with a QP card rather than PR card

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 3:47 pm
by papch
So I sent the application with a QP card (how confusing that those cards even cost the same), what are my options? I have a British spouse but I guess it won't make a difference. Is there a way to put the application on hold until I get a PR card (home office told me to wait for a decision)? Is it possible that they may reply to me asking me to get a PR card and sent it back to them to re-assess or will they reject me?

Re: Sent AN form with a QP card rather than PR card

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:09 pm
by CR001
What date did you apply?

Assuming you applied yourself by post rather than using NCS at the council.

You are right, having a British spouse makes no difference.

Your application will be refused as you have not submitted the mandatory DCPR (which can take 6 months to get the PR card).

Re: Sent AN form with a QP card rather than PR card

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:25 pm
by AdInfernos
This summer I got my PR card in around 45 days. Same timeframe for my partner and child, who applied once I receive mine.

But that's not the main issue. You have to wait for twelve months after you acquire PR, which is not necessarily the date the card is issued.

On the other hand, withdrawing does not mean you'll get a refund.

Re: Sent AN form with a QP card rather than PR card

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 5:36 pm
by papch
Thankfully because I wife a british spouse I don’t need to wait for the year after I get the PR. So there is a chance to withdraw and get my money back?

Re: Sent AN form with a QP card rather than PR card

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:31 pm
by papch
sorry something else i just thought. If I apply for PR card now, will I be able to submit as supporting evidence if they still haven't reached a decision? If they do reach a decision, can I contest the decision once I receive the card in order to save paying the full fee again for the AN application?

Re: Sent AN form with a QP card rather than PR card

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:41 pm
by AdInfernos
If they reach a decision they will do it on the facts existing at the time the decision is taken, so likelihood is they ask for a fresh application and new fee once you get PR document.

What will happen if you manage to get a PR document before your citizenship application is decided? I don't know. Obviously you've got nothing to lose if you try. This is just speculation, but from application to decision my PR took 49 days (14/06 to 02/08). My citizenship 49 days too (19/09 to 07/11). Exactly same time. So, by the time you get your PR the most likely scenario will be a rejected application.

Re: Sent AN form with a QP card rather than PR card

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:25 pm
by swintooh
papch wrote:
Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:31 pm
sorry something else i just thought. If I apply for PR card now, will I be able to submit as supporting evidence if they still haven't reached a decision? If they do reach a decision, can I contest the decision once I receive the card in order to save paying the full fee again for the AN application?
Well, you need a DCPR to apply for citizenship anyway so I guess you better hurry up. For me the naturalisation process from application to (apparently) a decision took 5 months and a bit - 158 days. When you get your DCPR just send it to HO quoting your case number. The problem is that you needed to state the DCPR number in the AN form. But to be honest, getting the DCPR and sending it in hopefully before the caseworker actually has a look at all paperwork is your only hope to save another £1500 (I'm sure it's going to be more expensive next year).

On the other hand, I wonder - will they refund the fee (even if just partially) if you withdraw the (flawed) naturalisation application?

Re: Sent AN form with a QP card rather than PR card

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 10:33 pm
by AdInfernos
swintooh wrote:
Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:25 pm
papch wrote:
Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:31 pm
sorry something else i just thought. If I apply for PR card now, will I be able to submit as supporting evidence if they still haven't reached a decision? If they do reach a decision, can I contest the decision once I receive the card in order to save paying the full fee again for the AN application?
On the other hand, I wonder - will they refund the fee (even if just partially) if you withdraw the (flawed) naturalisation application?
You won’t get your fee refunded if you cancel an application that you made in the UK.