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Time in the UK - Ancestry

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:58 am
by AdelaidetoLondon
Hi All,

I initially came to the UK for three years on a UK Ancestry visa, then returned to Australia for a year. I've since returned on the same UK Ancestry visa, had it expire, renewed it, and stayed four years on the new one.
Question - can my five years of continuous residence in the UK span across both Visas. So for the purpose of an ILR application, if I arrived in May 2016, but the new Visa only commenced in November 2016, would I be able to use May for the basis of the commencement of my five years residence, or have to wait and use November?

Appreciate any help.

Re: Time in the UK - Ancestry

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 8:33 am
by CR001
Yes, no issue.

Count from the date you returned to the UK for the ilr qualifying period.