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Family permit checklist (household)

Use this section for any queries concerning the EU Settlement Scheme, for applicants holding pre-settled and settled status.

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Family permit checklist (household)

Post by japplic » Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:07 pm

I'm the unmarried partner of an EU-national. We live together in the UK (and have been for 4 years). I will go outside the UK to apply for a Family Permit. I completed the application and have these questions:

- When asked "Do you know where you will be staying in the UK" I answered yes and typed in our address in the UK. Then when asked, "Is this the home of a family member, friend or another person you know?" I answered yes and typed my partner's details. Is this correct? Is this house considered my partner's even if we are only renting it? I assumed they ask this in case people are staying in a hotel or with a friend at their arrival to the UK.

I got the document checklist to hand in during my appointment. There it says:

- "If "me" is a member of the "my partner"'s household, provide evidence that "me" is living with them in their house. For example, this could be social service letters, documents from an official organization, mortgage or tenancy agreements, bank statements or utility bills addressed to "me" at this address". Should I tick yes? I'm already providing tenancy agreements as part of the documentation to prove a lasting relationship and I'm confused for the wording and duplication. Is this section only relevant for the blood relatives that live with their EU sponsor, or does this apply to us as well since we live together?

- "Proof of "me"'s relationship to "my partner" for example, birth, adoption, marriage or civil partnership
certificates". I should not tick this, correct? We are unmarried partners.

- "Evidence that you have permission to be in the country you are applying from". I am applying in the Netherlands where I can stay visa-free for 90 days. The stamp that I get in my passport at the NL border is enough evidence, right?

- "If your sponsor is exercising treaty rights, provide proof of comprehensive sickness insurance". My sponsor/partner has a Document Certifying Permanent Residence. I do not have to provide sickness insurance, correct?

- "Information about your visit such as evidence of sponsor's immigration status in the UK". My partner's DCPR should be enough?

- "Money (either income or savings) such as bank statements, bank letter..". Do I need to provide this?

- "Evidence of assets such as property deed". I guess I don't need to tick this since I don't have any and it is not relevant to my application?

- "Documents showing your marital status". Why are they asking me to confirm this again? Same as above, not ticked since we are unmarried partners.

- "Evidence of family members remaining in your home country whilst you travel." I do not have any dependants or other people relevant to my application, so I guess I don't have to tick this?

Thank you.

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European Union

Re: Family permit checklist (household)

Post by sfljiaf » Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:06 pm

Why do you plan to get the family permit from outside the UK, as opposed to a residence card from within the UK? As I understand it, the family permit is only to allow you entry into the UK; once you are here you would in any case have to apply for a residence card. If you're already in the UK, usually you would apply straight for the residence card.

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Re: Family permit checklist (household)

Post by japplic » Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:51 am

It's because I'm on a tier 4 visa that is about to expire at the end of April and I don't want to become an overstayer. I could request my passport back but there's no warranty I will get it back on time. I also need my passport for something else in the coming weeks.

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Re: Family permit checklist (household)

Post by sfljiaf » Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:26 am

Oh, I see. Supposedly you can ask them to return your passport when you apply for the RC, and should get it back in two weeks or so, but I am not sure if that always works reliably.

If you do go abroad to apply for the FP, as I understand it you will still have to provide all the same evidence of your relationship as required for the RC. That is, letters to your joint address etc. I imagine you would tick the "proof or relationship to sponsor" box and include it there, even if the form doesn't specifically list the evidence required for the unmarried case.
