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Post by Pakhtoon » Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:35 am

I know about marriages of convenience and I am also aware of the arranged/forced marriages ( even though I have never heard about money involved in this matter ) but then abuse is everywhere. There is no such place or system where there is no abuse. Look at the MPs for example who abused their expense allowances. What would you do with them ? deport the MPs ? If some people abuse the system, its the people who are to be blamed not the system.

You probably don't know that vast majority of Eastern Europeans work hard and pay taxes to the government, then the businesses get cheap labor which increases their profits resulting in them paying more taxes. The government didn't put any work restrictions on them for no other reason than money. And it wasn't just UK who let them in to work, Ireland and Sweden did the same but as Richard mentioned earlier, most of the two million Poles for example who left home, went to UK and Ireland because of English Language. Since then other countries have also been opening their labour market for example France and Belgium.

Besides UK has not been as 'surrendering' as you are portraying for example they didn't join the Schengen and they require visa for family members.
“Terrorism is the war of the poor; war is the terrorism of the rich.â€

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Post by meats » Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:51 am

The reason that the government put no restrictions on Eastern Europeans when they first had access to the European market was because they didn't expect half of Poland to arrive within several weeks. They expected something like 12,000 and about 400 billion (ye so a slight exaggeration but something like half a million turned up in the first year) of them turned up.

The UK has been surrendering, Labour were quick to get rid of our rebate, pretty quick to sign papers allowing Brussels to set a vast chunk of our laws, pretty quick to sign up to the crappy human rights act which protects criminals only. Can you imagine how many illegals would be in the UK if they'd signed up to Schengen?!? It's actually scary how many more there would be as there would be no checks whatsoever at the French ports and the EU would shout from the roof tops if the UKBA were checking lorries for illegals in Calais etc.

There's plenty of money being given for arranged marriages. A lot of this goes to Eastern Europeans by people from the Indian sub-continent on student visas in the UK. A few examples of this have been on the UK Border Force TV show where the Eastern Europeans have said that they'd been paid to marry them. The Eastern European block of countries are still fairly dearly beloved in their ways, the Poles that i know would never be with a non-white person regardless of nationality. This might change now that they can't protect their borders effectively but that won't change for at least a generation. That's not to say that they all have that mindset but the majority do.

As for the MPs. I'd put every single one up for trial, make them repay every single penny plus interest and then put them in jail just like what would happen if an ordinary citizen were to do what they did. However they think that they're above the law as they have just further shown by claiming that a law dating back to the 17th century allows them to do what they did. And yes, if the MPs weren't British then i would deport them. I'd deport all non-Brits who abuse British taxpayers money.

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To meats

Post by eldane » Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:10 am

I think this thread has gone totally out of subject now being meats' own Hyde Park stand from whe he can blast his rabiate views.

Meats! Are you by any chance Danish? You definately sound as one of the members of Denmarks ultra nationalistic party (Danish Peoples Party) which quite legally sits in a goverment coalition managing Danish immigration politics.
You have the same rabiate views as them and I am really wondering what you do in an Immigration forum (even being a guru) guiding foreningers how to utilize EU legislation you being so rabiate in your views. You even want UK out of EU! I am sorry but your views and your actions do not go hand in hand. Are you just having a "bad two days"? Are you on drugs? Have you temporary become job seeker (surely due to - in your opinion a EU citizen stealing your job, no just a pole because that would be discriminating)?
F@@k! Someting must have happend to you man. I am :shock:

All, have a nice day (you too meats)

El Danes
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Post by meats » Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:14 am

No i'm not Danish. No i'm not on drugs. Yes i do want the UK out of the EU. Just like the majority of Brits do, which is why Labour reneged on their promised referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. And no i haven't become a job seeker.

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Post by Wanderer » Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:30 am

meats wrote:Yes i do want the UK out of the EU. Just like the majority of Brits do.
I don't think this is true, in my professional circles especially, being able to work in Germany/Belgium/Netherlands without fuss is a fantastic boon, and these guys are earning up to a grand a day, the vast majority of this money coming into the UK.

The last one I was in Germany there was one German on the team, everyone else British.

I was dead against the EU in 73 when we joined under the Tories, but now I would hate to go back to isolationism, think Albania...

I agree with Meats on Asian's marrying Eastern Europeans, I know I get shit for this but almost everyone from under the former Soviet Union's sphere of interest is dearly beloved, not in a hatred way but in a 'I wouldn't marry one' way - Richard maybe ur wife being from Moscow (Veroniy Moskvichky!) maybe more liberal but in my experience the republics and provincials are that it is so. So while I agree not all are, and some are genuine, most aren't.

And finally, Gordon Brown, Dr. Gordon Brown is the best Chancellor we ever had, ever will have. He's no simpleton, and I fear had the Tories been in power the country would be in a far deeper hole. A deep hole caused by the global downturn remember.
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Post by meats » Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:47 am

Wanderer wrote:
meats wrote:Yes i do want the UK out of the EU. Just like the majority of Brits do.
I don't think this is true, in my professional circles especially, being able to work in Germany/Belgium/Netherlands without fuss is a fantastic boon, and these guys are earning up to a grand a day, the vast majority of this money coming into the UK.

The last one I was in Germany there was one German on the team, everyone else British.

I was dead against the EU in 73 when we joined under the Tories, but now I would hate to go back to isolationism, think Albania...
EFTA is the way to go, just like Norway and Switzerland. That way we can control our borders without interference from Europe, we keep the trading bloc which is all that we really need from the EU, we won't have the French trying to ruin the City as they've said they've planned to do since a Frenchman was appointed European Finance Minister and we can make our own laws without interference from Brussels. Also none of these stupid EEA visas, the cheaper way for people to enter Britain having been refused for British visas in the past.

I also think, Wanderer, if we knew that the EU would be what it is today then it would've been a 'no' vote back in 73. The people were told that it would be a trading bloc only and certainly nothing like what it is today. I think the EU would be more acceptable to many today if they got rid of the open borders, didn't dictate policy to all member states from Brussels and had a radical overhaul of the CAP. I notice that that never happened despite it being one of the conditions of Britain giving up its rebate.

Anyway i've got to try and get into Reading as i've got a lunch with a potential client grrr. Go away snow!

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Post by Richard66 » Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:08 pm

If you are getting on your high horsde, meats, at least get your facts right:

In 1973 it was called the European Common Market (ECM).

The right of free movement is one of the four basic pillars of what was then the Common Market. It is no inventionm on the part of the EU and people knew of that in 1973.

Norway is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA). EEA member states (or which Liechtenstein and Iceland are also members) are obliged to enforce the majority of EU directives and regulations, but have no commissioners at the European Commission and no voice in the European Parliament.

The European Fre Trade Agreement (EFTA) exists to accomodate Swizerland. Again freedom of movement was not negotiable.

All above countries, with the exception of Liechtenstein, are members of Schengen.

The illegal immigrants that cluster around Calais are illegal immigrants in the Schengen area also: they have not entered with visas.

I have travelled a lot between France and Italy and each time I have seen policemen border the train, ask for documents and remove people from the train. The last time it was four Chinese girls and a (maybe) Italian man.

You have not provided numbers for marriages of convenience and I know why: because such numbers do not exist or, if they do, you do not know them.

Thank you so much for saying my wife HAD to apply for an EEA FP because otherwise she would have bewen refused a visa. Do you believe that everyone who wants to marry a non-EEA citizen has in excess of £1,000 to pay for spouse and marriage visas?

I remember on the train to Scotland most people we spoke to were flabbergasted to find out the wife of an Englishman needed a visa at all. Had we not had that possibility to return to the UK we now would have been the happy parents of a steteless child. Is that how you would like to protect the borders, by denying UK citizens from returning to the UK so that their childen might become British also instead of being steteless? If you care to read around you will see my story.

Actually, if it had not been for the fact my wife was pregnant at the time (we included the pregnancy certificate among the documents) our marriage probably would have been classed as one of convenience by the authorities that "protect" the borders.

As I mentioned before, the UK is an active member is WRITING the laws which you claim "Brussels dictates".

Why was there no referendum? Because treaties are too complex to be voted by the general public. Remember the French rejected the European Constitution because they thought it woul mean Turkey would join and the Dutch rejected it because the French did so before.

Why did the Irish reject the treaty? Does anyone know?

Actually, wanderer, my wife is not from Moscow or even Saint Petersburg: she is from a city in the North.
Aiming at travelling to the UK with my wife and not with an EEA FP!

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Post by Wanderer » Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:12 pm

Sorry Richard, I thought I read she was, apologies.

Mine's from Urals!
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Post by Richard66 » Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:24 pm

I used to have an open invitation to visit someone in Yekateringburg, but have never been there.

Where my wife come from its very pleasant. The people are polite, drivers are careful and the public services efficient. We managed to get our marriage registered in 5 minutes!
Aiming at travelling to the UK with my wife and not with an EEA FP!

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Post by Wanderer » Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:35 pm

Richard66 wrote:I used to have an open invitation to visit someone in Yekateringburg, but have never been there.

Where my wife come from its very pleasant. The people are polite, drivers are careful and the public services efficient. We managed to get our marriage registered in 5 minutes!
I;ve never been either, it's only a centimetre from my partners city on the map but thats about 2000 miles!

I agree with ur other points too, Ive seen no extreme alcohol consumption, no rudeness. Well some rudeness, the shop people and conductresses on the trams and trolleybuses, evil harridans! Oh, and two wasted days in OVIR trying to get registered, the most mind-numbingly inefficient organisation in the World...

But I felt totally safe walking around all areas at midnight, unlike my native Bolton.
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Post by Obie » Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:57 pm

meats wrote:
Unfortunately there are left wing hippies who disagree with you. People like Obie for example think that the whole world is entitled to live in the UK and would be quite happy to see it become a terrorist hotspot. Quite frankly the sooner the UK is out of the EU the better and also gets rid of the even more pointless human rights act which only protects the criminals and screws over the innocent.
I find your level of ignorance quite astounding. The EU does not encourage abuse neither does it facilitate it.

Article 35 of Directive 2004/38 EC, if you are aware of it, or have cared to spend time reading it, says.

Article 35
Abuse of rights
Member States may adopt the necessary measures
to refuse, terminate or withdraw any right
conferred by this Directive in the case of abuse of
rights or fraud, such as marriages of convenience.
Any such measure shall be proportionate and
subject to the procedural safeguards provided for
in Articles 30 and 31.
Memberstate are free to adopt measures necessary to combat any form of abuse, and their hands are not tied in that regards.

For you to come to the forum and utter factually inaccurate gabbage, shows what an out of touch right wing fascist you are.

In regards to the body scan, i think it is a gross violation of human dignity, rights and privacy, especially when it is used on little children. I would be very uncomfortable for people to see naked images of my children. With the number of sex predators out there, i will be deeply concerned.

Not to mention the inconvenience, disproportionate delays it will cause to passengers.

However, if it will enhance security as they have promised, then i am prepared to study it. However i don't think measures like this will be sustainable for the long haul.

Meat could you kindly explain to me what your purpose on the forum is.

I find it hard to grasp it.

I believe like yourself that UK should be expelled form the EU, however for a different reason from that of yours.

I am of the believe that their presence is not conducive to the good of the EU, they make a complete mockery of the EU regulations and directives.

Their presence there is like a marriage of convenience, which as i have stated in the past, is a sham in its entirety.
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Post by Directive/2004/38/EC » Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:14 pm

meats wrote:There's plenty of money being given for arranged marriages. A lot of this goes to Eastern Europeans by people from the Indian sub-continent on student visas in the UK. A few examples of this have been on the UK Border Force TV show where the Eastern Europeans have said that they'd been paid to marry them. The Eastern European block of countries are still fairly dearly beloved in their ways, the Poles that i know would never be with a non-white person regardless of nationality. This might change now that they can't protect their borders effectively but that won't change for at least a generation. That's not to say that they all have that mindset but the majority do.
Couple of points: You are talking about fraudulent marriages. Arranged marriages are a very different thing and are not fraudulent, any more than romantic love marriages are fraudulent.

Interesting that the poles you know would never marry a non-white person. I know a polish woman who is married to a (black) south african man. They are very happy and have a very energetic and bouncy one and a half year old toddler. There are lots of wonderful people out there, and not all are white.

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Post by meats » Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:04 pm

Obie wrote:
meats wrote:
Unfortunately there are left wing hippies who disagree with you. People like Obie for example think that the whole world is entitled to live in the UK and would be quite happy to see it become a terrorist hotspot. Quite frankly the sooner the UK is out of the EU the better and also gets rid of the even more pointless human rights act which only protects the criminals and screws over the innocent.
I find your level of ignorance quite astounding. The EU does not encourage abuse neither does it facilitate it.

Article 35 of Directive 2004/38 EC, if you are aware of it, or have cared to spend time reading it, says.

Article 35
Abuse of rights
Member States may adopt the necessary measures
to refuse, terminate or withdraw any right
conferred by this Directive in the case of abuse of
rights or fraud, such as marriages of convenience.
Any such measure shall be proportionate and
subject to the procedural safeguards provided for
in Articles 30 and 31.
Memberstate are free to adopt measures necessary to combat any form of abuse, and their hands are not tied in that regards.

For you to come to the forum and utter factually inaccurate gabbage, shows what an out of touch right wing fascist you are.

In regards to the body scan, i think it is a gross violation of human dignity, rights and privacy, especially when it is used on little children. I would be very uncomfortable for people to see naked images of my children. With the number of gender predators out there, i will be deeply concerned.

Not to mention the inconvenience, disproportionate delays it will cause to passengers.

However, if it will enhance security as they have promised, then i am prepared to study it. However i don't think measures like this will be sustainable for the long haul.

Meat could you kindly explain to me what your purpose on the forum is.

I find it hard to grasp it.

I believe like yourself that UK should be expelled form the EU, however for a different reason from that of yours.

I am of the believe that their presence is not conducive to the good of the EU, they make a complete mockery of the EU regulations and directives.

Their presence there is like a marriage of convenience, which as i have stated in the past, is a sham in its entirety.
Obie i appreciate that your sole intention in life is to ruin the UK so i expect you to have wet dreams about the EU most nights. I'm sure that you do too. I'm glad that you agree that the UK shouldn't be in the EU.

With regards to the body scanners, i really don't care whether you think it breaches someone's human rights or not. I'd rather go through more security procedures if it reduces the risk of terrorist attacks and it makes my journey safer. That's is my human right too, the right to a safe journey. People with thinking like yours are more of a threat to the world than the terrorists because you let them have a free reign everywhere because of their human rights. But then again innocent people don't have human rights.

The EU does encourage abuse Obie in plenty of ways. The CAP is one such abuse, the MEPs milking the EU kitty is another big abuse. The fact that the EU sets laws in member states is another abuse. No wonder people refer to it as the EUSSR. But then again i'm sure you're the sort of person who would love to live under communism.

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Post by Richard66 » Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:21 pm

Wanderer, we did not even go to the OVIR (well, we did, but to apply for citizenship for our little girl: first case ever and they had to contact base to know what to do, but do it they did and the application was over in less than an hour. If you remember our discussion about Russian citizenship not being automatic... I had to supply a copy of the little girl's BRITISH passport as well as a copy of mine, together with immigration cards and my authorisation in writing.): the owner of the flat (my brother-in-law) did it and was finished in ln maybe half an hour. We registered our marriage at the office next door, 5 minutes before closing time. My wife applied for copies of her birth certificate at the town hall (all recently refurbished and we had the occasion to observe three marriages). All done in an hour. Even in the bus they were nice to us, asking us this and that about the baby.

But the mud in the streets! And yes, the odd cow near the flat. I am looking forward to going back this year and pick wild strawberries at the dacha!

Meats, what are you saying? Are you actually saying that now that Poland is in the EU it is going to be flooded with Ghanans and Morrocans? :P Do you really gain your knowledge of marriages of convenience from the idiot box (TV)?

As for body scans... There was a body scan in Russia, but, as I was carrying the baby, I was not asked to pass through it. Now, what would stop a terrorist planting a bomb on his baby son (as I gather one of the liquid bomb scheme had thought of doing - by the way, all of then BRITISH citizens and not Poles or Russian family members). When that happens will babies need to be scanned to and searched or will babies be banned, just like knives and needles?

As for exiting the EU... I am afraid this would be supported by the vast majority of the EU, who no longer can stand the "very superior person" attitude of the UK, picking and choosing which directives and regulations to adopt and choosing to transpose them to suit the needs of domestic policy.

As for open borders... Now that I remember, the last time we travelled from France to Italy the police came to our cabin at three in the morning, wanting to see my wife's residence card. If she had not had it she would have been in trouble.

I want to see the next time you need to travel at the last moment to France and find out that, because of "secure" e-borders checks, you are not allowed to board the train, because you have not given hours advance warning. :D
Aiming at travelling to the UK with my wife and not with an EEA FP!

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Post by Richard66 » Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:33 pm

Who calls it that, meats, the BNP? Le Pen?

The European Parliament, of some of its members are from the UK, passes laws that have to do with European matters. This is what international treaties are about. When you sign an international treaty you cannot expect to overrule it at pleasure when it suits party policy.

By the way, I am still waiting for the statisitcs on marriages of convenience.
Aiming at travelling to the UK with my wife and not with an EEA FP!

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Post by Wanderer » Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:41 pm

Richard66 wrote:Wanderer, we did not even go to the OVIR (well, we did, but to apply for citizenship for our little girl: first case ever and they had to contact base to know what to do, but do it they did and the application was over in less than an hour. If you remember our discussion about Russian citizenship not being automatic... I had to supply a copy of the little girl's BRITISH passport as well as a copy of mine, together with immigration cards and my authorisation in writing.): the owner of the flat (my brother-in-law) did it and was finished in ln maybe half an hour. We registered our marriage at the office next door, 5 minutes before closing time. My wife applied for copies of her birth certificate at the town hall (all recently refurbished and we had the occasion to observe three marriages). All done in an hour. Even in the bus they were nice to us, asking us this and that about the baby.
Peruse this site, 100% entertainment if u've ever seen anything Russian!

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Post by meats » Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:24 pm

Richard66 wrote:
Who calls it that, meats, the BNP? Le Pen?

The European Parliament, of some of its members are from the UK, passes laws that have to do with European matters. This is what international treaties are about. When you sign an international treaty you cannot expect to overrule it at pleasure when it suits party policy.

By the way, I am still waiting for the statisitcs on marriages of convenience.
Have a read of newspaper discussions boards, i've seen it so far on The Times and The Telegraph, The Guardian and on Sky News' website. So that's arguably the 3 most respected newspapers in the UK, 2 right wing and 1 left wing plus Sky News. If you can't see that the EU is basically turning into the former USSR then i suggest you take off the rose tinted specs.

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Post by Wanderer » Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:08 pm

meats wrote:
Richard66 wrote:
Who calls it that, meats, the BNP? Le Pen?

The European Parliament, of some of its members are from the UK, passes laws that have to do with European matters. This is what international treaties are about. When you sign an international treaty you cannot expect to overrule it at pleasure when it suits party policy.

By the way, I am still waiting for the statisitcs on marriages of convenience.
Have a read of newspaper discussions boards, i've seen it so far on The Times and The Telegraph, The Guardian and on Sky News' website. So that's arguably the 3 most respected newspapers in the UK, 2 right wing and 1 left wing plus Sky News. If you can't see that the EU is basically turning into the former USSR then i suggest you take off the rose tinted specs.
Sorry Meats much as I empathise with but u having direct experience of the USSR I can say how laudable the Leninite-Trotskyite goal was, it was über-right-wing-ism-wrapped up in lefty-socialist politics, the ultimate goal being true communism. It was a fantastical wonderful experiment that affected 250 million people for 70 years.

It's too deep to go into on this rather frivolous forum but really u need to read Marx and Lenin to see how the ideals turned to rat-shit.

Again having direct exp of the USSR I know USSR=inefficientcy. Thanks to a collective of labour and tory govs UK was NOT inefficient, it is not very, very efficient, at being a total business machine and is ripe for share and share alike.

My partner's gramps want the USSR back. Why? Cos they had money to spend, free flat, utilities and transport, free time beyond belief and everything other than food free. OK they were isolated but they got free care from the cradle to the grave.

Nice eh? I'd have that now, as soon as ur a spent force in the UK u r on 60 quid a week and a two-bar electric fire.

Same now, even under Tories God forbid.
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Post by meats » Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:30 pm

Richard66 wrote:
Who calls it that, meats, the BNP? Le Pen?

The European Parliament, of some of its members are from the UK, passes laws that have to do with European matters. This is what international treaties are about. When you sign an international treaty you cannot expect to overrule it at pleasure when it suits party policy.

By the way, I am still waiting for the statisitcs on marriages of convenience.
I suggest you either watch the BBC News tonight if you haven't done so this evening or wait for their report into it to appear on youtube or their website.

To briefly summarise their main points for you:

- sham marriages up 50% on the previous year's figures
- most cases were men from the Indian sub-continent marrying Eastern European women

They then went to a registry office where a Pakistani man was trying to get the notice to marry a Lithuanian girl. The Lithuanian barely spoke a word of England and he didn't speak Lithuanian. When he heard that the BBC were present he left the registry office alone.

The BBC then got an Indian man on a student visa to pose as an illegal immigrant and make enquiries about arranging a sham marriage to allow him to stay in the UK. He met a man in Hayes, London, who said that it would cost around £15-20k for this and gave him contact details of a man in Birminghan who could help arrange it all. Before going to Brum he went to a government approved immigration advisor. He happened to be from the Indian sub-continent too, told the 'illegal' how to go about getting an Eastern European bride and how he should pay her in 3 stages. The initial payment, the payment when married and the final payment once his passport, documents etc allowing him to stay in the UK had arrived.

Anyway, off to Brum he went, met up with said man, said man got hold of a Slovakian Roma girl. It would cost him £20k. She agreed to marry him and showed proof that she has right to be in the UK. She barely spoke any English let alone the Indian student's mother tongue. The BBC spoke to the gang member, denied everything, stormed off.

Now, are you going to try and tell me that this isn't an abuse caused by the EU? Because if you are then you are a fool.

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Post by meats » Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:35 pm

meats wrote:
Richard66 wrote:
Who calls it that, meats, the BNP? Le Pen?

The European Parliament, of some of its members are from the UK, passes laws that have to do with European matters. This is what international treaties are about. When you sign an international treaty you cannot expect to overrule it at pleasure when it suits party policy.

By the way, I am still waiting for the statisitcs on marriages of convenience.
I suggest you either watch the BBC News tonight if you haven't done so this evening or wait for their report into it to appear on youtube or their website.

To briefly summarise their main points for you:

- sham marriages up 50% on the previous year's figures
- most cases were men from the Indian sub-continent marrying Eastern European women

They then went to a registry office where a Pakistani man was trying to get the notice to marry a Lithuanian girl. The Lithuanian barely spoke a word of England and he didn't speak Lithuanian. When he heard that the BBC were present he left the registry office alone.

The BBC then got an Indian man on a student visa to pose as an illegal immigrant and make enquiries about arranging a sham marriage to allow him to stay in the UK. He met a man in Hayes, London, who said that it would cost around £15-20k for this and gave him contact details of a man in Birminghan who could help arrange it all. Before going to Brum he went to a government approved immigration advisor. He happened to be from the Indian sub-continent too, told the 'illegal' how to go about getting an Eastern European bride and how he should pay her in 3 stages. The initial payment, the payment when married and the final payment once his passport, documents etc allowing him to stay in the UK had arrived.

Anyway, off to Brum he went, met up with said man, said man got hold of a Slovakian Roma girl. It would cost him £20k. She agreed to marry him and showed proof that she has right to be in the UK. She barely spoke any English let alone the Indian student's mother tongue. The BBC spoke to the gang member, denied everything, stormed off.

Now, are you going to try and tell me that this isn't an abuse caused by the EU? Because if you are then you are a fool.

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Post by Pakhtoon » Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:36 pm

You can't blame UK's being in EU for this. EU created a facility so people in need can use them genuinely and if some people abuse it, you should blame the people not the system. Besides, if EU allows nationals of other countries and their families to move to UK, it give the same right to British nationals and their families to move to other countries.

Anyway this Pakistani guy cracked me and my wife up :D:D:D and well done BBC !

On the bad side, I showed this report and the small clips to my wife and she is now asking me for 20,000 pounds :D
“Terrorism is the war of the poor; war is the terrorism of the rich.â€

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Post by meats » Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:54 pm

inwarsaw wrote:You can't blame UK's being in EU for this. EU created a facility so people in need can use them genuinely and if some people abuse it, you should blame the people not the system. Besides, if EU allows nationals of other countries and their families to move to UK, it give the same right to British nationals and their families to move to other countries.

Anyway this Pakistani guy cracked me and my wife up :D:D:D and well done BBC !

On the bad side, I showed this report and the small clips to my wife and she is now asking me for 20,000 pounds :D
But it is the system that needs to be changed to counter these abuses. Until that's done then it will continue to happen. This is why all visas should be issued by each individual country and NOT an organisation.

It's like the French continually blaming the asylum seekers being in, and returning to Calais because of the benefits system in the UK and the ease at which it is exploited. Until changes are made then it will continue to occur.

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Post by Richard66 » Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:26 pm

How many sham marriages occured last year? One? :P

So, in your warped opinion, because abuses occur all honest people should pay dealy for it?

If all these marriages that the BBC has cooked up are faked, what stops the UK from expelling them? The law allows that, but no: you choose to believe that the EU condones that and only the brave, lone UK fights desperately against this! Try this trick in Germany and see how far you get. I can tell you where: to the nearest external border.

I heard all this rant in Italy also, where it seems all marriages are sham, or so it would be if you listen to the xenophobic Northen League. What are the consequences? That honest people cannot marry, that honest people cannot even come to the EU without having to prove they are not illegal immigrants. Meanwhile the real illegal immigrants come directly to the UK on student visas that have nothing to do with the EU.

From what I read it is the Lords that rejected the COA that impeded both sham and legitimate marriages, but not because it contravened EU legislation. You will be saying soon the criminal gangs are bein protected by the EU.
It's like the French continually blaming the asylum seekers being in, and returning to Calais because of the benefits system in the UK and the ease at which it is exploited. Until changes are made then it will continue to occur.
Is the EU stopping the UK beefing up the system? I am not aware of it.
Aiming at travelling to the UK with my wife and not with an EEA FP!

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Post by meats » Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:35 pm

Richard66 wrote:How many sham marriages occured last year? One? :P

So, in your warped opinion, because abuses occur all honest people should pay dealy for it?

If all these marriages that the BBC has cooked up are faked, what stops the UK from expelling them? The law allows that, but no: you choose to believe that the EU condones that and only the brave, lone UK fights desperately against this! Try this trick in Germany and see how far you get. I can tell you where: to the nearest external border.

I heard all this rant in Italy also, where it seems all marriages are sham, or so it would be if you listen to the xenophobic Northen League. What are the consequences? That honest people cannot marry, that honest people cannot even come to the EU without having to prove they are not illegal immigrants. Meanwhile the real illegal immigrants come directly to the UK on student visas that have nothing to do with the EU.

From what I read it is the Lords that rejected the COA that impeded both sham and legitimate marriages, but not because it contravened EU legislation. You will be saying soon the criminal gangs are bein protected by the EU.
It's like the French continually blaming the asylum seekers being in, and returning to Calais because of the benefits system in the UK and the ease at which it is exploited. Until changes are made then it will continue to occur.
Is the EU stopping the UK beefing up the system? I am not aware of it.
Ever heard of human rights? If you read those articles you would see that because of human rights it is now virtually impossible to stop those sham marriages. I guess you don't want to believe that that's occurring because it makes your claims rather wrong doesn't it? I'm sure you're quite aware that EU citizens, unfortunately, can't be deported easily and even if they are then they can come straight back.
Richard66 wrote: I heard all this rant in Italy also, where it seems all marriages are sham, or so it would be if you listen to the xenophobic Northen League. What are the consequences? That honest people cannot marry, that honest people cannot even come to the EU without having to prove they are not illegal immigrants. Meanwhile the real illegal immigrants come directly to the UK on student visas that have nothing to do with the EU.
Yep, that it should be considerably harder for people to come to the EU. As for the student visas, i've made my feelings known about those and i have no wish to repeat them for you on here.

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Post by Richard66 » Thu Jan 07, 2010 9:42 pm

So, in your view all people in the UK who are not EU nationals are potential illegal immigrants and ought to be stopped marrying. All EEA citizens are potential criminals willing to engage in this muck. Thank Heavens I married in Italy, becaue in the UK I would have been refused permission, as it would have been automatically considered sham.

Have you given a thought to the mysery that honest people have to go through because some people abuse the system?
Aiming at travelling to the UK with my wife and not with an EEA FP!
