Hi All we received following responce fro UKBA...
This is the Sponsor Progress Mail Box. The Sponsor Progress Mail Box is solely for requesting a progress check on sponsor applications and requests, if your query is in relation to anything else you will not receive a response. Please ensure you provide relevant information to enable us to locate your application.
We do not deal with urgent requests. Please see information below if you wish to request urgent treatment
If you are a Sponsor and have a general enquiry regarding Sponsorship Tier 2, Tier 4 and Tier 5 of the Points Based System please email
We currently have higher numbers of sponsor applications and transactional requests pending than usual. The standard time it takes to consider these has therefore increased. We apologise for these delays and are doing everything we can to reduce your wait time.
If you have applied for a sponsor licence application we are currently working on applications received in the first week of April 2012. If your application was received after this date we will not provide a progress update.
For change of circumstance and changes to level 1 user requests submitted electronically after 6th April 2012 please read the following information, as emails for progress on these applications will not receive a response.
You can now track the progress of change of circumstance requests submitted on-line by logging into your SMS account (using the link below) and selecting ‘view and edit sponsor profile’, then ‘Request changes to sponsor details’, then ‘view recent and outstanding requests’
Your request can be viewed in table format and will have a clearly marked status of ‘pending’, ‘progress’, ‘accepted’ or ‘rejected’.
Pending means we have received your request but we have yet to allocate it to a caseworker.
Progress indicates that a caseworker is considering your request.
Accepted means we have approved your request and made the changes to your sponsor record.
Rejected means we have rejected your application and have not made the changes you requested. You will need to resubmit your application supplying information to show that the previous reason for rejection no longer applies.
You can also track the progress of requests to add a new level 1 user by logging into your SMS account and selecting ‘view and edit sponsor profile’ then ‘view user list’. The request will be marked ‘requested’, ‘active’ or ‘refused’.
SMS account login link:
https://www.points.homeoffice.gov.uk/gu ... Home.faces
For any other application we aim to provide a progress update within 2 working days. Please note that this mailbox and our associated sponsorship helpline will be unable to give you estimates of when a decision will be reached.
Urgent Requests
Applications are processed in strict date order, however consideration for processing an application out of turn may be made, but only if it meets the strict criteria set out below. Any requests for urgent treatment will be passed to the appropriate team for consideration.
These are the only circumstances that we will consider dealing with your request as a priority:
• A migrant currently employed by the prospective sponsor or switching to the prospective sponsor, who has valid leave expiring in 10 working days (or has an urgent need to change their leave status within 10 working days). Ideally provide evidence of expiry of leave in your e mail. For example a scanned copy of the relevant vignette / Biometric Residence Permit.
• Applications more than 4 weeks old which have a Resident Labour Market Test expiring in the next 6 weeks.
• Applications more than 4 weeks old where there is an urgent business need for a licence within the next 10 working days, for which justification must be provided. Such requests will be considered on a case by case basis.