Wait for the Biometric Letter. Unfortunately, the reference number on your acknowledgement letter is no good for verification, as it only acts as a receipt for your payment.mbnarayn wrote:My wife has the same issue. Does anyone have a solution?
The UKBA sent the letter below to her employer.
Dear Employer,
I am writing with regard to your request for confirmation of the entitlement to work of:
Name: Applicants Name
This individual has presented themselves as being able to work in the UK on the basis of an outstanding application for leave to remain in the United Kingdom which was made before their previous leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom ended. Their previous conditions of leave would have allowed them to undertake the work in question.
I have checked our records and cannot confirm that this is the case.
Therefore I cannot confirm that this individual is currently entitled to work in the United Kingdom on the basis of an outstanding application.
Unless your prospective employee is able to provide you with appropriate evidence of their entitlement to work, you will not have a statutory excuse against liability for payment of a civil penalty for employing an illegal migrant worker.
The job applicant should contact the UK Border Agency to confirm their status.
The information provided in this letter is for your records only.
Yours sincerely,
Having said that, try and convince your employer with the acknowledgement letter and by showing them this link What is my immigration status while my application is being decided?
I am not sure if Employers Helpline Phone: 0300 123 4699 is still helping with these kind of queries. But it’s worth a try.