Hi everyone,
been visiting this website for ages and finally decided to pitch in after a phonecall to UKBA....sorry Home office. So i've called 2x in the last 4 weeks and rather than the usual "whats your reference number"? "confirm your name and DOB"...."sorry your application is still pending and you will have to continue to wait"..."bye and thanks for calling". All i got again today is "applications made prior to march 31st 2013, outside of immigration rules, have been re-prioritised to be completed by end of summer this year". He didn't confirm what month end of summer is, we are in the UK after all, the summer may end tomorrow...and he wouldn't guarantee that it would be done by then. All he could say is home office has a committment to sort them out by then. Anyway nothing but a waiting game now, not that it hasn't, i mean we've only been waiting 11 months now but who's counting lol
. Here is my timeline just incase.
Application type: FLR(o) - outside of immigration rules (over-stayed but now married to british citizen)
Application made: 29th Aug 2012
Confirmation letter received: 4th Sep 2012
Biometrics received and submitted: 20th Feb 2013
and nothing since...
I was wondering also, on this forum, i read about alot of peole who get their MPs involved, does this actually help? Cos i would imagine since so many people do it, the home office have probably tuned out to such pleas for expediency... i could be wrong though. Any1 with any insight into this pls let us know. thanks