Today make it One Year and 4 days i did Biometric and still yet no decision.
Only a letter from UKBA 2 weeks ago that my application is now under active consideration. And a letter last week referring me to social and Hospital and suicide adviser group which i don't even bother cos thats not what i apply for, because i told them i'm feeling depress.
Since then i've not got any decision yet. I'm really fed up and am tired of everything now. No post man again today.
Thinking maybe i should withdraw my application.
The UKBA officer who sent me a letter said he can confirm that my application is now under active consideration and that he can also assure me that all my documents and references will be considered before a decision is taken on my application. It was after this my Solicitor got angry with me for making complain to the UKBA by myself.
I've even contacted Ombudsman by email, but no response for over 2 weeks now. My MP is not even respond anymore.
But since then i did not receive any decision yet than the reply from UKBA that my application is under active consideration and can assure that my documents and references will be considered before a decision is taken.. I'm tired.
What should i do now?
Should i withdraw my application as am really fed up and tired, bored and feeling depress.