@KeishKeisha wrote:@Elastep...congrats and I'm so happy for you and seems like now have to pray that they grant u a stay.I'm now getting anxious as haven't heard anything from my solicitor!When did they apply the JR??
I hope so too oh..... but we are still waiting for the Judges decision on the JR. My solicitor said that this letter means that we can not communicate directly with the HO excerpt throung the Upper Tribunal Immigration Court.
I know that sometimes HO ask for an extention of time of 21 days x3 = almost 3 months or JR be withdrawn so that they might reconsider a case and I will be letting my solicitor know that I will not be doing any of that if asked cus I want to claim back all my cost when I win this case.
My PAP was done on the 18/09/2013 and JR application filed on the 03/10/2013.
Send your solicitor an email. This is a template of the one I sent to my solicitor last week and I hope you find it helpful. I had to do some mule kissing

Dear Mr B........ T......,
I am writing to request that you please send me all the documents that you sent to or recieved from the HO regarding my JR case.
I feel that this case is taking a lot of time to do and I would like to carry said documents on my person when I go out for safety.
I thank you in advance for the care and attention that you have given to my case and I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully