[quote="Shondra Sharma"]Good afternoon Forum!!
Capita send a me a letter like this:
Capita Business services
P O B0x 3468
S3 8WA
Telephone: 08443754636
letter reference :****
Date: 28/11/2013
Dear *** Case ID ****
The overwhelming majority of people who visit the united kingdom do so in accordance with our immigration laws.
We are contacting you because the Home Office has told us that you may no longer have the right to remain in the United Kingdom.
If you do not have the right to remain in the UK, or have submitted a new application, please contact our team today on 08443754636 to confirm this.
If you do not have the right to remain in the Uk , you must make immediate arrangements to leave the United Kingdom and provide proof that you have done so by completing the enclosed form and returning it to our local office with a copy of your travel ticket by 12/12/2013 or you can email
CapitaContact@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk attaching a copy of your travel ticket.
We recognise that occasionally there will be a personal issue that prevents you from leaving the United Kingdom immediately, or there may be another reason for your continued residence. In such circumstances we want to do our best to help you. Therefore it is vital that you contact our team today on 08443754636. While you remain in the UK without leave you are liable to be removed from the United kingdom and this may affect your right to return in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Capita Business Services
on behalf of the Home Office
I only send reconsideration in sept 2013, my 7 year child application is refused on 23rd august 2013, I applied my child british citizenship on 18th October 2013, only got acknowledgement letter for that. What does this letter mean to me? Do I have risk to capita, they come and remove me? Please guy help me out.[/quote]
@Shondra. Look at pages 387 and 388 I think. There is a discussion on that!