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Tier-1 Extension - Query on application form

Archived UK Tier 1 (General) points system forum. This route no longer exists.

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Tier-1 Extension - Query on application form

Post by aks57 » Mon May 28, 2012 11:46 pm

I am going to go for extension of my Tier-1 (General) visa next month which is expiring on 29/06/2012. I have few queries on filling the application form:

1. Application form - Do we have to send the complete application form (including all the filling up guidance pages), i.e., from page 1 to 62 for Tier-1 (general) (version 04/12) for main applicant and page 1 to 54 for PBS Dependant (version 04/2012). Please confirm. Is it better to send one-sided print (As I have to send one main applicant and two dependant form).

2. Mode of payment - Acceptable debit card as mentioned in the form is Delta, Maestro. I don't have either but a Visa debit card but as I have read in the posts on the site that people have paid using Visa debit. Can somebody shed some light on it.

3. Section-1 of application form has two details pages and a third page requiring it to be on the reverse of the payment details page in the two-sided copy. As it is the third page, it cannot fall on reverse of the page. Again some one please clear my doubts.

4. Envelope for photos - Should it be of the same size as space given in the form or a slightly oversized envelope can be fixed (I know its a stupid ques. but still want to make clear)

5. B11 & B12 - As read from the post, I being Tier-1 (General) immigrant (after April 2010) would not require to fill anything. Please clarify.

6. B14 - From the post it will be Visa no. in RED on top right corner of current visa. Please confirm.

Please help me in completing my application correctly.

Thanks & regards,

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Post by geriatrix » Mon May 28, 2012 11:51 pm

Please continue in the existing topic.
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