Beena wrote:Hi everyone.. i hope you're all well InshaAllah..
I was hoping to email my MP regarding my case..
Is there anyone who can send me a template that i can forward to my MP? I just dont know how to put everything into words, ofc each case is different n all, but i just wanted a simple template i can add to and forward.
JazakAllah Khair.
Salam Beena. you don't need a template to write to MP.Its always someone from his office who deals with these types of queries. You can write like why are you writing this email, how many times you already have contacted Home Office Islamabad, Why you think your application should not be delayed then give details of your income and also English Test your spouse has taken in Pakistan and passed.
In simple words you just ask your MP to enquire about your case and find out the reason of delay or hold.
P.S Remember to give GWF number, D.O.B of applicant, Visa Centre where you applied and when? Passport Number, Reference Number
Good Luck