you are amongst one of many people who are on hold due to financial requirements not being met. Most of them argue they have met financial requirements because they earn over the minimum threshold but they still get put on hold then refuse (in most cases), all because they have not provided the evidence to prove it.Sannnnnnn wrote:Hi, No I have not called them. Do u think I should try n call. It's just that from what a lot of people have said on this forum who having tried calling I did not think there was much point. Can you please give me the number to call. I might just give it a go. Also I do meet the threshold but messed up on the evidential documentation pretty bad I think. Not my fault though my solicitor insisted it was not nesassary. Basically I have 2 jobs and one of the salaries is not paid in account. Tax etc is deducted as normal but it is paid cash in hand.
Saying you earn is different to proving you earn.