Asim khan wrote:th3 wrote:Asim khan wrote:Hey !!
Just a quick question
How important is it to pay all ur Tax off or some of it When ur self employed .i mean the due date is 31st Jan 2015. I applied in August2014 ..then i didnt pay that much Tax and submitted my case. Its always bothering me in the back of my head.
You must apply with last full tax years SA accounts... you did that, right?
If that's done, then it's no problem if you haven't paid it all yet, but at least pay some of it to look legit.
Yea i have provided them with all the relevante documents of hmrc .. i have paid some of my Tax off already ..but in my case they wouldnt know unless they have the right to know my details of hmrc ..
They get ALL your HMRC details.
That's the first step after getting your bio details.
That's the first and most important check for employment. Whatever is registered with HMRC, and its dates, its tax/ni, etc.
They can see earnings for the year, including this year, and the tax/ni you've paid or are due to pay.
NB: I worked in industrial payroll for a few years.
My advice to anyone would be... if in doubt about anything financial, ring up HMRC and ask what details they have about you for the past 2 years. They have your annual employment and benefit details, dates and your tax/ni paid, and an estimated salary for you for the current year. You can update that salary figure from what they have, if you have good reason.
All your tax and credits are based off that figure they have.