timewarp wrote:quick question,
I have been nominated to collect my wifes BRP card from London post office.
But I am located all the way in the north west which is over 300 miles away from London lol.
who can I contact to get this amended to a closer post office. No information on the letter
How come they gave you a London post office? It should have been a post office close to your address as stated in the visa application.
From this document:
https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/s ... eaflet.pdf
Can I collect my biometric residence
permit from a different Post Office
branch to one in my decision letter?
Yes. If you or a nominated party who has
been authorised by the Home Office to
collect your BRP on your behalf, wishes
to collect your BRP from a different branch to
the one in your decision letter, you or the
nominated party should go to the Post Office
branch from which you would like to collect
the permit and speak to a Post Office
employee. You will have to pay a fee
for each and every permit you wish to re-direct
to that branch. Not all branches offer the
collection service. Details of Post Office
locations offering the service and their
opening times can be found at:
I am not a regulated immigration advisor. I am offering an opinion and not advice.