rajauk wrote:Hi all,
Just thought I will let you all know my wifes application has also been put on hold due to the ECO saying I do not meet the financial requirement when I am sure I do. It seems ECO dont know the rules themselves.
I received email from the embassy this morning stating the above and giving me 3 weeks to submit my reply. I fully intend to as the rules and law has not been applied correctly. I used my wage and savings to meet the requirements. It seems they don't even bother reading your cover letter where I explained everything.
For some odd reason where my cash savings are concerned it statesI have not provided evidence for the required level of savings. When I gave them bank statements for 6 months showing at no time I fell below the required level infact had 3000 more then required during the whole of that period.
The ECO also states my wage slips do not correspond with salary being paid into my account which is complete crap every single wage correspondes with the statement so I do not know where he got that from. I am really upset as I feel after waiting for more then three months and fullfilling all requirements stated, this was unfair decision.
I intend to right a letter explaining why I feel I do meet the requirement by highlighting the rules and guidance and I believe I meet it.
Kind regards,
Sorry raja Saab but on this occasion I don't think the ECO is incorrect. The level of saving you say is 3000. In reality that's nothing when supporting a wife what's your wage as shown on the payslips?. I suggest you get advice from an immigration expert.
Just to put things into proportion if you want to support a wife on savings you need in excess of £60,000 and you need proof of where it came from and a banks letter stating you don't have any loans, mortgages etc (expenses). So you are free to use it as you please.
I keep saying to my fellow people........."the attention is in the detail"
Cover every angle. Don't leave them unsure or questioning. And most importantly only provide what they ask for not pointless documents.