Scottishraja wrote:Karma always comes around to kick you in the me.
It certainly does come back around. But here's the difference. When my wife applied and then later had to appeal, I didn't, not even once complain, you know why? I knew what was on the cards, a wait of several months.
The UKBA's performance is getting worse, but that's not because of them, it's because the Home Office, a department of the British Government, has no intentions of increasing the staffing volumes, despite an increase in applications.
I am helping people by saying they should move abroad, clearly if these people can't hack the wait, the only viable option is for them to move elsewhere.
There is a huge difference between you and me. You are impatient, I am patient. I wasn't complaining or mumbling, because I knew what was on the cards, you on the other hand, knew what kind of wait there was and still complain about it.
Do you even know what the UKBA have to go through, do you know what it's like to work there, the varying docs they have to investigate? Do you know how each issue is passed between 1l to 2l and then up to 3l to make decisions? You don't. If you did, then you wouldn't spew out the stuff you are.
My former colleague works in the UKBA, he re-iterates time and again, how difficult it is to make decisions because of how one subtle detail can determine the outcome of an application. The results of the application are huge. Incorrect decisions, could mean public money being abused by immigrants.
You like every other applicant out there, only see if from your point of view.