Salam everyone.magicman316 wrote:The visa page has been put into my wife's passport with start date and expiry date, with her pic and visa details. I dont know whether a letter accompanied the return of her passport or not, I dont even know if we got back our documents but I imagine we would have. Dont know this as Im in the UK and only briefly spoke with my father in law this morning who collected it. I was just so happy that it was granted, forgot to ask the details.
Does anyone know if the TB Test certificate has to be presented at passport control upon arrival in the UK? Is there anything else my wie should know? I will be accompanying her anyway. Whats the deal with polio test certificates in Pakistan these days, is this now a requirement and is it only for pakistnai nationals or for british passport holders who visit there as well?
prayforus, Trust me you'll be fine and get your answer soon because I saw others in same position as us who applied around same date and they went into further enquiries and then all of a sudden boom, visa granted. i think their systems are better these days for new applications and are getting done super fast. Best of luck. You're all in my duwa's.
I applied for my wife on 28/05/2014 only got one email from gerry office on the same date that your documents has been dispatch to Islamabad. How many email should i expect? and how did you manage to find out about the status of your application "magicman316".
Inshallah everyone will get their visa soon. May Allah shower has blessing on all of us and award us sabar. Ameen