horizon1985 wrote:Samelamin wrote:horizon1985 wrote:Samelamin wrote:So what happened with your appeal?
Right guys they got back to me with an address to send my documents to and stated that they will try to resolve it as quickly as possible
So I might make my holiday after all
Congratulation Samelamin,
I am happy to hear your progress. It give us a hope. Please pray for us as well. And thanks for your information. Good luck.
Thanks hopefully monique will give us some more good news to help new people with their appeals
Yes hopefully monique will come with good news too. Any idea how long paper based appeal takes to be decided. I know I am keep asking same question
but trust me each and everyday look like year to me. My deadline to submit evidence was 13/08/2012. Will it take 4 weeks from this deadline normally ?
Hi, everyone, thanks very much for your prayers and for your good wishes. One minute after writting in this forum, I was called by my husband to go into the hearing room. He took the baby and I sat in front of the judge. I was expecting an interview similar to Samelamin one. We both had prepared all kind of answers like scars in the body or favourite football team...However, I was only asked about my current work and what I was doing before this work. (we needed to show more evidence I am exercising treaty righs as self-emplyed). What I still find odd is that all questions were closed type, except the date I started working, and the date I finished my Master degree. So, basically he was stating facts and just wanted confirmation. Actually, I was correcting a few things in my answers to show accurancy, so I do not know if that way of asking was intended to catch me in a lie. He asked me if I had any proof of my degree with me, and said no. After that, Home Office lady said she did not have any questions for me, and judge said that we had won! because it was evident I was exercising treaty rights.
My husband told me that the judge had previously said that documents submitted to him and to us by HO were a mess, and that to be granted with Working Tax Credit, as we are, was a key proof I was paying taxes, therefore exercising treaty rights. He said (in my words) that we shouldn´t hold our breath because that does not mean he will get the RC straight away. He also said that we will receive a formal notificatioin and that we should claim our original documents. So, to certain extent, it is over. I am so relieved and mentally tired that I will not bother to claim appeal expenses. Just want to finish completely.
I hope this really helps you as you are undergoing such long wait. Horizon, I do not know how long paper-based appeal takes to be be decided, but I am sure that if you phone the Tribunal they may tell you. All my energy, prayers and positivism are with you and everybody appealing.