andyjohnst wrote:We will be returning the the UK under Surinder Singh. I was exercising treaty right as a worker from December 11 to Sept 12. We then had a holiday in my wife's home country (Azerbaijan) from 29 Sep 12 until 3 Jan 13. Reason for the extended holiday was due to the birth of our child on 5 September 12.
The reason for you being out of the EU or out of the host member state does not matter. You could have moved to Azerbaijan and been working there, or have moved to Brazil.
There is no requirement that you must immediately enter the UK after having worked in a host member state.
The British embassy made two mistakes. First was refusing the initial EEA FP application. The second was their sad "explanation" for issuing the EEA FP when they finally did.
Hope your wife enjoys the UK, though January can be a a bit dark and damp to arrive for the first time.