vish.sara9 wrote:[hi, I am working for a US based company in The UK as an electronics test technician, with a salary of £ 21067.00 per annum, my company was ready to sponsor me for the visa application to switch into Tier 2, until the adviser came up with SoC codes. According the UKBA my job profile falls under NQF level 3 with SoC code 3112 which says minimum salary should be 10.56 per hour = £20592 per annum. But still my adviser says they cannot apply for Certificate of Sponsorship as my Job is NQF level 3 and if I want to apply with this job my pay should be atleast £23000 per annum.
My visa expires in feb'2013, am already way too late but please help me out of this, I have worked very hard and gone through so many things and I dont want to end up this way.
Have you tried to speak to your manager regarding this salary issue? My wage was below the min. requirement originally but after speaking to my manager, he asked me not to worry about the salary bit and said they would give me a pay rise! Your current salary is not too far off from the requirement so there might be some room for negotiation eh?! I've been told that you are not required to be paid at/above the min. rate when you make your application. If I were you, i would go talk to my manager ( the one who does your appraisal or recognises your hard work, not the HR!) tomorrow. Ask him/her when you will get your next salary review or if your pay will increase for inflation adjustment (just for company does it every year). Good Luck mate!
p.s. I completely understood how you feel...I've been in this country for 8 years and I would be absolutely gutted if my visa doesnt get approved and I'd have to go home with empty hands ( even tho I might be able to get a better job with better pay in my home country lol I am just so used to living in the UK...)