wf wrote:Looks good at first glance, however:
To me this implies that absences outside of these circumstances (ie: unpaid leave) are not permitted at all.provided the absence is due to an employment, including annual leave, or business related reason or there are serious or compelling compassionate reasons for the absence.
Whereas previously annual leave was excluded from the 180 day(in 5 years) period which could include unpaid leave etc.
It seems draconian - for example contractors, who do not receive annual leave could not leave the country to holiday?
No, read more carefully:
(b) Except for periods when the applicant had leave as a Tier 1 (General) Migrant, a Tier 1 (Investor) Migrant, a Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) Migrant, a Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) Migrant, a highly skilled migrant, a businessperson, an innovator, an investor, a selfemployed lawyer or a writer, composer or artist:
(i) the applicant must have been employed in the UK continuously throughout the five years, under the terms of their Certificate of Sponsorship, work permit or in the employment for which they were given leave to enter or remain, except that any breaks in employment in which they applied for leave as a Tier 2 Migrant, or, under Tier 5 Temporary Worker (International Agreement) Migrant as a private servant in a diplomatic household, where in the latter case they applied to enter the UK before 6 April 2012, to work for a new employer shall be disregarded, provided this is within 60 days of the end of their employment with their previous employer or Sponsor; and
(ii) any absences from the UK during the five years must have been for a purpose that is consistent with the continuous employment in (i), including paid annual leave or for serious or compelling reasons.
So, this only applies to Tier 2 holders.
Logically, the rule of "no single day out of the UK when not employed" would be ridiculously difficult to meet (let alone grossly unfair, especially if applied retrospectively) for Tier 1 holders. However, it is entirely reasonable to expect this from Tier 2 holders, who must be continuously employed in the UK, by design of their visa.