Ssidd, yes, exactly like that.
Then I decided to apply for US tourist visa and I ordered ACRO police certificate. It shows NO TRACE and in cover letter it tells me that I don't have ANY convictions. I even reported them that I have criminal conviction when I filled their form and described my traffic offence in full.
Also, there is definition of recordable offences in UK. You can check yourself on google. And most traffic offences are not recordable offences unless it is something very serious, for example alcohol + serious injuries / fatalities. Therefore they do not lead to criminal record, therefore, they can't be grounds for refusal for ILR. Sushdmehta already kindly updated forum sticky about it -
What really makes me angry is why the hell Disclosure Scotland put it under convictions. But it is less important agency than ACRO or PNC (Police National Computer). So I have only one fear that UKBA would decide to treat it as Disclosure Scotland. But I don't think they can do it. Well, still even if there is 1% chance they try doing it, I can't fully relax. That's why I asked Sushdmehta about it. And now you're in the same boat. I'm sure many more people would worry.
There is some confusion over criminal record definition in UK. In broad terms, anything to do with police creates some sort of a record. So Disclosure Scotland decided to disclose such records. But it is not person's "criminal record". So there is nothing on PNC. I am also quite upset to tick in the form the box that I have criminal convictions. Why should I do it if ACRO says I don't have any? Most people advice to tick anyway, so that UKBA can't accuse you of deception which is much more serious. But still, how can they accuse me of deception if I have official letter from ACRO.
So, I hope Sushdmehta could answer. You can also ask him - write in my topic that you have the same questions. More chances he would answer.
Here it is: