Hi, Just to give an update my family and I are now in France, but we will head down to Holland or Germany. I want to advise anyone taking this route that unless you speak fluent french, and/or have family or friends in France then don't waste your money here! trying to arrange viewing a place to live is hard work .. unless you are fluent in French, and then when you do go see a place, their attitude changes upon meeting and they then send a text, to say that they cannot rent the place now!!!
We went to Adenkerke in Belgium, and the 1st person we met, a really nice guy in the Total garage, advised me to go into the main town and in the apartments there, they have offices, and we should ask about renting a place there! we went and bumped into a guy coming out of the estate agent, who said he had a few places, and we could move in as soon as we wanted, no references, bank details etc needed, just euro's, but first we need to check out jobs at local restaurants first. Hoping all this will be worth it