bipedalhumanoid wrote:I put in an application for Stamp 5 six months ago.
Because I am on stamp 4, I had to wait until my visa had less than 6 months left on it. So now the stamp 4 has expired and the stamp 5 has not been processed yet.
I am going to have to renew my stamp 4, which will take effect for 2 years and I'm worried that this will cause my stamp 5 application to be rejected. If so, this will be a perpetual problem for me.
hi there ,
sorry to hear you are stuck in the waiting game of the DOJ .
i'm going to give you what i know based on personal experience :
you said it has been six months since you applied for the Stamp 5 ? that is a long time to wait for such a stamp as the current waiting time to get a response is 50 working days or ten weeks as they said on their website .
which to me raises a big question do you have or have you ever been in trouble with the gards ?
was this your first application for the WCAT Stamp or is it renewal ?
if it is your first application and you think there might be any thing coming up on your criminal record , please go ahead , renew your stamp 4 and continue living in peace until you get your citizenship sorted whenever you are ready for it . and forget the stamp 5 .
if it is your a renewal then you might be in a bit of bother based on my experience i'm assuming you have read all about my story above .
however if you are 100% certain that you have no issues with the Police then write them a letter asking for updates on your application and you should be ok even if your stamp 4 lapses , because once they issue you with the approval letter the GNIB officer will have to register you no problems there as it is not your fault it took them this long to process your application .
i hope that the Immigration officer you are going to see will give you some useful information and hope that you will be sorted soon .