Can you help me on this please? I am applying for visitors visa for my father in law and mother in law. I would like them to come here in Apr 1st week and stay until Sep mid.
Can I apply for visa now or should I apply in March? If I apply now will they give VISA from Feb itself or from requested date (i.e., 1st Apr.).
I am applying early just to have enough time for my wife (she is carrying) to fly to India in case of any rejections.
I have read below in UKBA site and I believe they should give the VISA from Apr 1st. But I would like you to share your knowledge and experience.
Regards, ... gname=null
When to apply
You can apply for a visa up to 3 months before your date of travel to the UK. We strongly advise you not to confirm your travel arrangements until you have received your visa. To find out how long we usually take to process your type of visa, see the Visa processing times page.