by IntegratedMigrant » Tue Jun 18, 2013 5:31 pm
There were 22,000 applications awaiting decision when Alan Shatter came into Office.
To date. more than 55,000 decisions on naturalisation applications have been made since Alan Shatter came into office.
The number of applications RECEIVED by year
2009: 15,700
2010: 12,500
2011: 18,300
2012: 19,900
2013: 7,700 (End of May)
The number of applications APPROVED by year
2009: 6,100
2010: 5,000
2011: 14,300
2012: 23,400
2013: 15,100 (End of May)
The number of applications DENIED or INELIGIBLE by year
2009: 7,800
2010: 3,100
2011: 1,800
2012: 1,600
2013: 400 (End of May)
In order to conclude 18,300 (2011) + 19,900 (2012) = 38,200
38,200 + 22,000 (Awaiting decision when he came into office) = 60,200
60,200 - 55,000 (Decisions made since he came into office) = 5,200
5,200 applicants are currently waiting in excess of more than 6 months!
5,200 + 7,700 (2013 applications until the end of may) = 12,900 waiting overall.
I oppose stereotype, prejudice, xenophobe, judgmental, Ignorance, and beloved.