so she doesnt have a visa currently? here illegally at the moment?[/quotesh1981 wrote:sanjacs wrote:Thanks for your replies guys...sh1981 wrote:having children does NOT mean you cannot be removed.Greenie wrote:Its the circumstances at the time of the decision that matter and not at time of the application, so if by the time the decision was made the marriage broken down she wouldn't qualify for ilr on the basis of their relationship. However clearly the fact that she has two British children means that she should not be removed and should e granted some form of leave. Who are the children living with? She needs to obtain a copy of the police report and evidence of the non molestation order etc.
let me say it like this. she came here to uk for him. he didnt want to be with her, their relationship broke down, and rightfully she should have then no reason to stay here in uk any more.
she can technically go and take care of her kids in her own country.
she has to take custody first.
HOWEVER if she was abused, thats a different thing. Then she deserves to stay.
if she has made a life for herself and wants her kids to see their father too then she should apply for SET(DV) and say she was abused.
She was married to him in their home country ever before he applied to come to the UK, so I think its wrong to say that she came to the country for him.
I dont think that because she was on a dependant visa, she should have less rights than him (though it appears to be so at the moment). They had the kids here and she is an active carer for her kids as well as been a full time employed professional.
Why should the man have rights to settle here, and she denied the rights???? I'm not asking any of you, but I think the UKBA needs to have a good look at this. Spouses are not luggages that can be brought and removed at will, they're humans and they do not have to endure abuse because they need to be on their spouses visa!
My question now is, can she go and apply under Set DV now, seeing that her stay had expired since June 2012? Does she not have to be on a current visa to do that?
No, she's not illegal she applied with him last June, and have only just been given refusal last month.
As you know, they had to apply within 28 days of visa expiring...and this is now 9 months later!