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Moderators: Casa, archigabe, CR001, push, JAJ, ca.funke, Amber, zimba, vinny, Obie, EUsmileWEallsmile, batleykhan, meself2, geriatrix, John, ChetanOjha
May be so after 06/04. At present nothing to pay. They might recover the £ 100 at the time of payment at PEO.starter01 wrote:I have to book PEO Appointment and I was told that I have to pay £100 at the time of booking the appointment ?
Is this correct ?
What does the Passport say?. And you have the Marriage Certificate. Your Name is there as Surname on the documents. So don't worry. That should be o.k.You can explain to the CW.starter01 wrote:Thanks alot kevin, one other question:
I have all the required co-hab docs, but unfortunately my wife's names comes as miss intead of mrs, is this a problem ?