naras wrote:CR001 wrote:naras wrote:2 October 2010 --> 1 October 2009 >>> 230 ( Bussiness trip not paid in UK)
2 October 2009 --> 1 October 2008 >>> 180 ( Buiness trip not paid in Uk)
I am not overly familiar with PBS route but from numerous posts on the forum, these two years appear to be your biggest hurdle as you were not paid in the UK and the absence is substantial - break in residence perhaps. Perhaps a guru can confirm.
Thanks CROO1, Can some guru's can confirm if there is any chance i can try with?
I am NOT a guru, but the rule changes in December mean that you cannot be absent for more than 180 days in each year. The year is counting backwards from the date you apply - so the format you have it in is correct. There is no discretion for the 180 days per year.
You would have to apply when your absence is split so that you do not go over 180 days in any one 365 day period. So no, you will not be eligible in October of this year. If you waited a few additional months, you might be able to divide that 230 day absence between two years?
Also, you might need a letter from your employer detailing all absences, not sure if that is just Tier 2 applicants or includes Tier 1 applicants too!
I cannot comment on the impact of not being paid in the UK.