by Picabia » Fri May 10, 2013 2:58 pm
Thank you both for your replies. I have already received a bonus, and it isn't likely I would be able to get another.
I was hoping that the earnings would still constitute earnings within a twelve month period, given that it will all have been paid to me over 12 pay slips within a consecutive twelve month period. If one is self-employed, it is not uncommon to accept advances on pay before the job is actually complete, no? I suppose I don't entirely see why if it is paid to me as income and I pay tax on it as such, this would not actually count. Is there not a chance the UKBA would accept this when all the payslips would date within the consecutive 12 month period?
If the case worker does take issue with it and chooses to reject the salary advance as income, would this nullify my entire salary from my employer from counting toward my previous earnings, or just the amount of the advance?
I am asking to ascertain whether it's worth including the advance anyway. I would probably choose to risk it, but not if it could invalidate the entire rest of my earnings from my employer.
Thanks again.