skum, I think you will be eligible based on the assumption I made earlier only if I understood the rule correctly. Ok here is a suggestion, why don't you email UKBA and try to seek clarification on 319Ed(ii) rule from 01/10/2013 including points below:skum wrote:Sep08T1Applicant wrote:Thanks vinny for your valuable response.vinny wrote:Probably no.Sep08T1Applicant wrote:vinny - one question, switching in-country will break the continuity?
If that is the case then I think skum (considering skum scenario) can apply as PBS dependant and start her most recent stay as PBS dependant. Once skum's partner (Main applicant) applies for ILR then as per 319Ed(ii) skum will be eligible (only my understanding). Please also note d(ii) doesn't say the whole 5 year period should be PBS dependant. It only requires recent or current stay as PBS dependant with lawfully 5 years continuous UK residence and in a genuine relationship (just my understanding). If I understood d(ii) correctly then it gives more flexibility in terms of amalgamating previous dependant or non-dependant leaves (Still my understanding).
Kind regards
Yes need more clarification regarding 319 E d (ii) b. I agree Sep08T1Applicant - it seems that I should be able to apply for ILR along with my husband? I have already completed five years in Uk and I I change to dependent before my husband's ILR application, I should be able to get ILR along with him.
I dont understand 319 E d (ii) c as well
a)ask them about "continuous leave", how, why and when it is considered as broken
b)recent/current stay as PBS combining non-PBS dependant leave previously with lawful residence in a genuine relationship.
if we will be clear on these bits then we will be in a better position to decide or comment.
Again it is just my understanding and I hope this helps.
Kind regards