rahulsingh1 wrote:Hi La- Following is the full text from page 40 of the guidance.
I dont see where it says that money from business acount has to be spent. ?
A person involved in
property development
makes improvements of some kind to immovable
property (real estate), which increases its value. A person involved in
property management
is charged with operating immovable property (real estate) for a fee, on behalf of the owner
The restrictions on investment in property development and property management are intended
to ensure that the Entrepreneur route is used to promote United Kingdom competitiveness in
There is no objection, however, to you investing in companies that are mainly involved in
Money should be fully used in the business and not held in the business bank account in order to
qualify for the award of points
Money deposited in a bank account, even if it is in a United Kingdom business bank account, is
not counted as investment in business. The money should be used in the business to encourage
growth or expansion, to improve services or products and to ensure the business is profitable.
hat is a business in the United Kingdom?
For the purposes of this application, you must have made a capital investment in a business
operating within the United Kingdom economy and subject to United Kingdom taxation. We will
consider a United Kingdom business to be one that:
has its business premises (unless you are self-employed and do not have a premises) or its
registered office or, if it has no registered office, its head office (for a Director of a company)
in the United Kingdom;
has a United Kingdom bank account showing transactions for the business that are current
(this may be either a business bank account, or a personal bank account for sole traders);
is subject to United Kingdom taxation.
Any business that benefits from your £200,000 (or £50,000) investment used for the purposes of
claiming points for this application must be this type of business.
Multinational companies that are registered as United Kingdom companies with either a registered
office or head office in the United Kingdom are acceptable.
Registration as self-employed
A person setting up as self-employed must register as such with HM Revenue & Customs
within six months of starting up. For more information on the legal requirements see the section
Business and Self-employed at
Current appointment report from Companies House
You must obtain the report from Companies House, for a fee, and send it with your
application. This document shows when you became a director of a company. This will be the
same document for a new business as for those becoming directors of an existing business.
For more information on registration with Companies House, please contact Companies House
For information on obtaining the current
appointment report please see
http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/toolsT ... Info.shtml.
Businesses that are set up as franchises can be accepted for the award of points.
You will
either be self-employed or employed, depending on how you decide to structure the franchise
business, and should provide the appropriate evidence
Can you point to the line you are referring to ? Will help us all..