by butterfly33 » Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:02 pm
Hi all. This the text from the letter in full.
"In accessing your individual application, it has not been necessary to interview you, but I have taken account of:
- the financial and employment information as declared by you on your application form,
- your passport and travel history
- your family circumstance
- the supporting documents you provided
I have used all the information provided by you to determine if the Immigration Rules have been met. In reaching my decision which has been made on the balance of probabilities, I note the following points:
The decision
You have stated that you are a student and supported by your parents. In support of your application, you have provided a university letter and academic transcripts as evidence that you are a student. However, you have not provided any details as to your parent’s income and financial commitments to demonstrate their abilities to support you and I am unable to determine this from the other evidence provided as it relates to your sponsor. I am therefore not satisfied that you have provided an accurate reflection of your personal and financial circumstances in Ghana as stated on your application.
I have noticed that you are single and have not indicated anyone being reliant on you nor have you declared any savings or assets. On the balance of probabilities, this demonstrates only limited ties only to (xxx your country of origin). I have also noted that you have not declared any travel outside of xxx and therefore have had no history of travel to countries directly comparable to the UK. You thus have no evidence of travel and compliance with immigration procedures similar to those of the UK, which might offset my other concerns.
Given the above, on the evidence before me, and the balance of probabilities, I am not satisfied that you have accurately presented your circumstances or intentions in wishing to enter the UK. This means that I am not satisfied that only a short visit is intended or that you will leave the UK at the end of the period stated 41(i)(ii).
I have therefore refused your application because I am not satisfied on the balance of probabilities, that you meet all of the requirements of the relevant paragraphs of the UK immigration board.
Your right of appeal is limited to the grounds referred to in section 81(1)(c) of the Nationality Immigration and Asylum Act 2002."
Anyone know what is meant by the limited right of appeal - what are the grounds in sectioin 81(1)? Can she appeal?
Her parents are going to reapply with their bank details. What happens if they are not showing a lot of money in their account?
I will do another covering letter and scan it to them addressing the fact that she still has her final year to go in Uni - is so far doing very well and is not coming here to stay. I have also previously sponsored another family member who left the UK within the required time period of his visa. How does one address the fact that she has never travelled before - is that a requirement before one gets a visa to the UK?
Any bits of advice as to how to address this would be gratefully welcome. Thank you.