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manishd wrote:Hi All,
Currently I am working on Tier 2 ICT short term visa which will expire in Dec-2013. My wife is with me on Tier 2 dependent visa. I have 5 queries now.
1. Can she work on dependent visa now and after Dec-2013? she can only work while she has a valid visa. The validity of her visa is probably the same as yours, i.e. to Dec 13.
2. After Dec-2013 , Can she apply for Tier 2 General visa within UK? no
3. If not , then can she apply for Tier 2 General visa from our home country yes or she need to serve 12 months cooling off period? no cooling-off for her
4. If she got Tier 2 general visa , Can I apply Tier 2 general dependent visa yes or I have to serve 12 month cooling off period? no cooling-off for you
5. If i got dependent visa , can I work in software industry? I mean does companies accept Tier 2 general dependent visa holder? there are no restrictions on where PBS dependants can work
6. My tier 2 dependent visa will be valid till my wife will work on tier 2 general or she can left the job and I can continue my job? your dependant visa will be valid until hers
Hope to reply soon
manishd wrote:Hi Manci,
Thank you very much for quick and concise reply.
Just want to know more about point 6.
1. If she will left the job , will her visa invalid? if she leaves her job and doesn't get another one her visa will be curtailed.
2. When and how can I apply for Tier 2 General after getting Tier 2 dependent visa?by getting a T2G CoS and applying for entry clearqanace from your home country. Note that cooling-off will still apply in respect of your T2 ICT leave, i.e. you wouldn't be able to apply for T2G entry clearance for 12 months after Dec 13.
manishd wrote:Hi Manci,
Thanks for reply. I could not understand your reply on point 2.
My question was ; if my wife and I start work in UK on T2G and T2G dependent respectively from Jan-2014 and after 5-6 months if she want to leave the job, then can I apply for T2G within UK or I can't apply for T2G. you can only apply from your home country
My main concern is to get T2G and I want to go through this way to just to escape from 12 month cooling off period. Is it possible? If you stayed with your current sponsor you could apply (from your home country) for entry clearance as T2 ICT Long Term Staff without cooling-off provided you meet the requirements for Long Terms Staff (e.g. min. salary £40,600)