Greenie wrote:I don't get from the note on 27/07 that they advised your wife to make a single claim. My understanding is that they said if you left the uk she could make a single claim not that she should tell them you'd left the uk when you hadn't in order to make a single claim.
I may have missed something but I am not sure why this issue is relevant anyway as they are not recovering an overpayment from that period.
Thankyou for the reply, sorry i had to go to pakistan as my mom was in hospital and just returned so took longer to reply.
Your understanding is correct that it was them who advised my wife to apply as a single parent as i did not had NINO. We applied twice for me to be able to go on tax credit claim but was declined. We even went at the job centre to apply for NI with everything we had but was turned down. Hence
25/07/2007 AT-advised applicant until ap2 gets his nino claim wont get put through-advised to contact person who is dealing with nino allocation-and let us know-advised as per guidance - If the customer is part of a couple they should make a joint claim.
27/07/2007 AT-TL call back re application. Explained until NINO allocated or Ap2 visa issued joint claim would not go through. AP2 may leave the country and AP1 could then put in single claim. TJ
I did not know how the system worked at that time and my wife has got a history of depression so she was not mentally strong and took the advice which was given to her. Now tax credit office are saying that notional entitlement could not be applied to this case as the previous case from 2007 was in wrong capacity but it was due to them giving us wrong advice. From what my understanding is that the rules were changed in 2009 where you can apply for tax credits with only one NI number but i am not sure what they were before 2009. As for notional entitlement, it is for people who are late in telling tax credit about the change in their circumstances.
I called the adjudicator office today and they said that i have to write a formal complaint to tax credit and they cannot take the case until i get a reply from them which says that i can take this case to adjudicators.