Queries re: questions on FLR(O) application
Section 1
1.5 - maiden name as on passport and in 1.4 or married name
1.10 - Home Office Reference #
UKBA reference # as on letter from them on November 1, 2010 re: Discretionary Leave?
Section 2
This is confusing because the wording seems like partner info. only if applying with me as dependent BUT later question re: partner - 'Is partner settled in UK' so seems like I do not include my British husband.
So do I fill out including husband's name or skip section 2 altogether.
If I include his name, what about question: 'Is your partner responsible for supporting anyone else not listed in section 2. ME??
End of section 2 - repetition of end of section 3?? Not sure what they want!
Section 3
Category Other, I assume
end of section 3 - again, not sure what is best to put in here. What letters?? documents??
Section 5
'Is your home in the UK....'
d) rented by relative or friend - my husband? OR
e) other. our home is rented from Housing Association by my husband...in his name only as it has been for 46 years (his first wife was not on agreement either - the English way, he says
They were informed of my presence and acknowledge me but did not add my name to agreement because of my 'immigration status'.
If e) should I put the above as details?...without the rolling eyes, of course!
5.2 - NO because husband now has HB?
5.5 - I assume this is about myself only. BY the time I send this application in, carer's allowance and attendance allowance for me will not yet be in effect but will have been applied for.
So do I not tick any boxes and add above info in 5.6 box below? Everything else will be added in next box, 'income source'.
Section 6
6.11 - How long have I lived in the UK?
Do I count the first six months as visitor as in passport - 3 months as single living with friend (Nov 27, 2009 - March 2, 2010) plus 3 months married and living with husband (March 3, 2010 - May 27, 2010) or start counting from May 28, 2010??
6.12 - 2 children and 2 grandchildren. a lifetime of family and friends but not considered as 'ties'.
6:17 - repetition of 6.12?
6:18 - is this a good place to include hubby's disability, his need for my emotional and physical support and my need for support of his children, no support for us if in Canada?
Section 8
I am not claiming to be able to support myself without recourse to public funds so what evidence then?
Documents of my husband's income? All of which, other than State Pension is 'public funds'?
My bank statement from Canada re: Pensions? How many months?
Since March for the past 3 or 4 months my Pensions are deposited into my Canadian bank and I skip funds across through PayPal.
We had a joint account in England until my husband's stroke in January. It was in perpetual overdraft and his overdue loan is with same bank. I detached myself from account to protect my income and transferred pensions deposit to back to bank in Canada.
8L - documents for category O
Letter ? documents ? - again , a repetition of end of section 2 & 3
A good place to add letter from my husband, his doctor, family and friends re: his physical and emotional reliance on me?
Sorry, so many questions but I'm nervous and some questions seem repetitive and/or ambiguous.
Thanks so much for help.