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Moderators: Casa, archigabe, CR001, push, JAJ, ca.funke, Amber, zimba, vinny, Obie, EUsmileWEallsmile, batleykhan, meself2, geriatrix, John, ChetanOjha, Administrator
Absolutely right - they applied the rules correctly here. I haven't seen anything in your text that says why he shouldn't have gone home to apply (aside from waiting to hear from the army).When my husband applied, he did not have a visa for MORE than six months
That might be his experience - but UKBA disagree and clearly set out who needs to supply an english test result.he had marked himself as coming from an majority english speaking country, which, in his experience, Nigeria is, as english is the only communal inter-city spoken language
Here (that the LITUK test is harder) I agree with you clearly - but the key point is exactly what you've said - the language test required for a spouse is in listening, speaking and writing. The LITUK test is purely about writing and reading.the Life in the UK test is actually harder than the English listening and speaking exam that he should have actually taken, so this point we are able to argue.
The way article 8 is framed from previous judgements is about reasonable-ness. It doesn't say that you have a right to a family life in the UK - it says you have a right to a family life.I am also expecting a baby and we can use article 8's law entitling us to a family life here in UK.
Based on this - UKBA are probably right that you'd struggle to support yourself - but ...therefore Ive only ever been on minimum wage but have supported myself through study and with the help of my family
This is all good and will help.My parents are witnessing the appeal and have writen letters saying they will support us financially untill we are able to do so ourfself, my nan owns her own international business and has written a letter stating that she also is willing to help financially and had a job waiting for my husband when he is legally eligiable to work.
delilah123 wrote:Hi, I have an appeal tomorrow for FLR(M), are application was refused because a. husband did not have visa for more than 6 months and should have left uk and applied from nigeria, and b. he took the life in uk test rather than english listening and speaking test.
If our appeal is denied, and my husband has to return to nigeria, what is the best visa to apply for under our circumstances:
Under the new income rules, we would be denied for a fresh FLR(M) application, as I only earn £8,500 per year. Our family are willing to support us financially and we are not on benefit but the prospect of me getting a well paid job any time soon and very small.
Secondly, I am 6 months pregnant, surely theres a way for him to apply for a visa through having a child which is a british citizen..
but on UKBA website it says that to qualify:
- 1. you have sole responsibility for the child or the child normally lives with you and not their other parent; or
- 2. if the parent or carer that the child normally lives with is a British citizen or settled in the UK, but is not your partner, and you do not qualify for entry clearance as a partner.
My husband would not qualify under the first factor as my baby would obviously be living under my care, and im not sure if he would qualify under the second as we are partners, but do not qualify for him to come to uk under spouse or partner visa? It says 'not your partner AND you do not qualify for entry as a partner...surely it should be 'is not your partner, OR is your partner but you do not qualify for entry as a partner'
Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated
D4109125 wrote:During the interim period did he take a test to satisfy the English Language requirement to show the appeal?
delilah123 wrote:as UKBA has his passport, he is unable to take the appropriate exam, and his passport is his only form of acceptable I.D. and if he asked for his passport back then the appeal would be canceled and we would have to apply afresh all over again...
I'm hoping that the life in uk test will be proof enough that he has a good understanding of english language and that when the judge speaks to him tomorrow, he can use his own judgement to see that uzo can speak english fluently...plus my nan has written a letter saying she wants to employ him to be a translator for her company 'the plain english campaign' and so obviously she wouldnt be offering him a job if he couldnt speak good english...I dont know how these appeals go, i understand that UKBA were in their rights to deny my husband, but surely an appeal is about looking at the whole picture and using logic rather than just throwing blanket rules over everyone?
hi vinny, no, he came here as a visitor in 2010 and managed to extend his visa by 6 months at a time while he was training with the army, before he could finish the traning process he turned 32, which meant he was too old to continue training for army. We just made an honest mistake when applying, as he had a visa for 6 months, we simply misread that he needed a visa for at least 6 months, rather than his current visa needed to be for more than 6 monthsvinny wrote:Was he admitted for longer than 6 months (284(i))?
thanks, didnt know about that, i guess it would be a last resort, as moving to a european country by myself with a baby for three months isnt something id exactly want to do, but worth knowing!D4109125 wrote:See also, Surinder Singh
Bare in mind the article 8 leave is a 10 years route to settlement.
D4109125 wrote:See also, Surinder Singh
Bare in mind the article 8 leave is a 10 years route to settlement.