Could I receive some views on the following, as I am unsure about some advice I received from the customer care line.
The UKVI team said it is OK to apply for my citizenship (EU citizen) in my maiden name (married 2 years ago) under the following circumstances:
1. The passport is in the maiden name
2. The LIUK test and SELT was taken in the maiden name
3. The married name is declared in section 1.8 of the AN1 form.
4. The pernament residence card is in the maiden name.
5. For some professional reasons, the maiden name is still used.
Please put aside the passport issue - I understand that this will not be possible until the foreign passport has been changed into the married name, and the maiden name passport has been cancelled. This is focussed entirely on the nationality application.
My query is over the new documentation that has obviously been updated (P60's) for the time since the marriage, which will show the married name and not the maiden name at application. The form mentions that all official documentation should match the name you are applying in, but this seems to infer nationality documentation, not proof of work (P60's) - the form states "This is to avoid a person having official documents in more than one identity."
Does anyone have any experience of this?
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