The point at issue is whether your husband can make your stepchild's passport application. I think the mother will have to make it. It may be possible for your husband to fill it in online and then for the mother to sign it. This seems the simplest solution; you may otherwise get into arguments with the passport office over whether Egyptian or British law applies when determining who can make the passport application. I wrote British law, but different British countries have different laws on this matter. Which country do you live in?Saramo wrote:I don't understand he is legally allowed to marry more than 1 wife he is Muslim his child is entitled to BC passport why would he have to adopt his own child ? All we are now talking about is at port of entry what is required other than passport if the child is to come on visits regularly what other documents
It will be useful, and perhaps necessary, to have a letter from the mother permitting the child to move to the UK, and granting your husband at least the power to act as the child's guardian. Once the child starts school, you will frequently need to give permission for the child to go on school activities and take part in semi-public activities.