The forms are somewhat poorly designed.victoria_2010 wrote:Thanks for the valuable info noajthan
Have you noticed that the EEA(PR) form asks when the applicant first arrived in the UK, while the EEA3 form asks when the applicant last entered the UK...
Regarding EEA(PR) - are they asking when the applicant came with a view to stay here? Or when did he visit the UK for the first time (which could be as a child on a family trip 20 years ago)
EEA3 - last entry for me was in 2014. Why would they need the date of last entry instead of the first entry?
They also have to serve many people in different circumstances.
What the caseworker is after is details of any prolonged absences from UK that would either break continuity of residence or terminate any PR status that you have acquired.
They will figure it all out by looking at such dates.
Just answer the questions as best (and accurately as) you can on whichever version of the form you use.