zarkjavaid wrote:Guys she was born in U.K. But never applied for British passport because of her mother she was eligible for Irish passport that's how she got her Irish passport and that's how she is Eu citizen.
If your wife was born to an Irish mother in the UK, she was a British citizen from birth. She is an EU citizen by virtue of both her Irish and British citizenships.
But being a British citizen means that she can not exercise treaty rights in the UK, as her rights as a British citizen are more proximate than her treaty rights.
As she can not exercise treaty rights, she can not sponsor anybody (including you) under the EEA Regulations.
Indeed, it seems that your wife's case is almost identical to
Mrs McCarthy, in that your wife has never exercised treaty rights in an EEA country and hence can not be a beneficiary of Directive 2004/38/EC.
Citizenship is bestowed by action of law, not by self-belief. She may carry an Irish passport, but she is also a British citizen, by action of law.
I would say that FACTUALLY (not just potentially) your Residence Card, which itself is a confirmatory document and does not give any rights on its own, is null and void.
Let's now turn to the issue of deception.
You were aware when
responding to this thread that your wife was a dual citizen. In the
EEA FM form, there is a question;
2.9 Do they currently hold, or have they ever held, any other nationality or citizenship?
What was your response to that question? Note that the question asked which citizenship did she have, not which passport. One can have citizenship without a passport.
Be aware that even if you get confirmation of a non-existent PR and then British citizenship, the latter can be revoked
at any time for deception. You will live the rest of your life under the sword of Damocles, wondering if today will bring a letter from the Home Office looking into whether you obtained your citizenship by deception.
At this point in time, you have no right to stay in the UK and the longer you stay in this position, the harder it will be for you to regularise your stay.
I would strongly urge you to consult a lawyer at the earliest, show him this thread, so that he can understand why we suggest that you need to consult a lawyer and follow his advice.
I am not a lawyer or immigration advisor. My statements/comments do not constitute legal advice. E&OE. Please do not PM me for advice.