Ams2013 wrote:I strongly believe for those who already submitted Sage FPS should be fine but just in case if required there is strong AR defence in brief below . senior members are welcome to further strengthen it !!!!
AR Argument for Documentary evidence
Tier 1(Entrepreneur) Policy Guidance version 11/2016 - Page 9
23.If you have submitted specified documents in which:
• a document does not contain all of the specified information;
SAGE FPS fits in here as specific document i.e. Sage FPS has Start date & PAYE/NIC with missing information of Gross pay)
we may contact you and/or your representative in writing, and request the correct documents. We will only make this request once.
We will not ask for additional documents where:
• you have not provided a specified document at all;
SAGE FPS was provided with Start date & PAYE/NIC with missing Gross pay hence by not asking the missing information (Gross Pay) CW has not applied correctly the paragraph 23 of Tier 1(Entrepreneur) Policy Guidance version 11/2016 - Page 9 and also failed to adhere by 245AA (b) (iv) of immigration rule & failed to adhere by 245AA (d) (iii) (1) by not verifying the missing information from other documents i.e P11 & Payslips.
I agree that sounds like a plausible argument for AR.
But in my opinion those who have already submitted FPS via SAGE should be fine.
Also all the rejections I have seen on the forum on the basis of FPS was either the start date missing or monthly FPS not submitted. No rejection had the wording that pay details of the employee was not shown on the FPS.
This is my observation/opinion any other view?