Hi rohanraj!
Are you and your partner married? If not, you won't be able to apply as a family member.
If you are married, here is the list of what you need to include that has to go with your application to make it valid:
Section 20 - Documents and evidence
Complete this section to indicate what documents you’re submitting with your application.
Please also complete the document checklist on the final page of this form.
Please note: this section provides only brief guidance on what documents to submit. You
must refer to the full guidance on our website at: www.gov.uk/government/publications/
If you do not submit sufficient evidence to show that you qualify for a registration certificate or
residence card, we will refuse your application.
Photographs (sections 1-3) – two passport-sized photographs of you and each family
member included in your application; and one passport-sized photograph of your sponsor.
The photos must conform to the standards at www.gov.uk/photos-for-passports
Proof of identity and nationality (sections 1-3) – e.g. valid passport, travel document
or national identity card for you, your sponsor and any family member included in your
application. If you can’t provide any of these documents you must explain why and provide
alternative evidence.
Previous biometric residence permit or residence card (biometric format)
Proof of relationship to your sponsor (sections 4, 5, 6, 7) – e.g. marriage, civil
partnership, birth or adoption certificates
Evidence of your marriage or civil partnership (section 5) – e.g. marriage/civil
partnership certificate, evidence of living together, evidence that any previous marriage or
civil partnership has legally ended – e.g. divorce certificate
Proof of parental responsibility for children under 18 (section 6) – if the child is not living
with his/her parents, parental order or residence order, or letter from parents consenting to
living arrangements
Evidence of dependency (section 7) – e.g. money transfer receipts, bank statements
showing money transfers, evidence of accommodation provided by sponsor, etc.
Proof you have retained your right of residence (section – e.g.
• death certificate for sponsor (8A or 8B)
• evidence of child’s attendance at school (8B or 8C)
• evidence of custody of or access rights to children (such as court order) (8C or 8D)
• decree absolute or dissolution order (8D)
• evidence of domestic violence (8D)
• evidence your sponsor had permanent residence or was a qualified person (8E)
• evidence of your status (e.g. proof of employment, self-employment, self-sufficiency) (8F)
• evidence of previous residence in the UK as a family member (utility bills, tenancy
agreements, NHS letters, etc)
Proof you qualify under Surinder Singh (section 9):
• evidence of your sponsor’s employment or self-employment in another member state
• evidence of your/your sponsor’s residence in another member state
• other evidence your sponsor transferred their centre of life – e.g. details of financial
commitments, evidence of family living with them, etc
Proof your sponsor is/was a qualified person
Proof of employment (sections 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17) – e.g. employer’s declaration (section
12B) or letter, plus wage slips or bank statements showing receipt of wages
Proof of self-employment (sections, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17) – e.g. tax self-assessment forms,
proof of payment of class 2 or 4 national insurance contributions, invoices for work done,
business accounts, business bank statements, etc
Proof of temporary incapacity (sections 8, 9, 10, 12) – e.g. letter from doctor, evidence of
sickness-related benefits.
Proof of vocational training (sections 8, 9, 10, 12) – letter from training provider.
Proof of self-sufficiency (sections 8, 10, 15, 17) – e.g. bank statements, building society
pass book, evidence of receipt of pension, etc.
Proof of study (sections 8, 10, 16, 17) – e.g. letter from school/college/university, statement
of sufficient financial resources, bank statements, evidence of receipt of scholarship or
bursary, etc.
Proof of comprehensive sickness insurance for students and self-sufficient persons
(sections 8, 10, 15, 16, 17) – European Health Insurance Card (not issued by the UK) plus
statement of intent; form S1, S2, S3; or evidence of private medical insurance.
Proof of looking for work (sections 8, 9, 10, 12, 17) – e.g. proof of receipt of job-seeking
benefits, letters of invite to interviews, rejection letters from employers, evidence of academic
or professional qualifications, etc.
Proof of receipt of benefits/public funds (section 18) – e.g. letter(s) from DWP, HMRC or
local authority giving details of benefit(s) or tax credits received, bank statements showing
receipt of relevant benefit(s).
This comes straight from the application itself:
https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/s ... _06-16.pdf
Unfortunately, they won't be interested in Facebook posts etc. or Whatsapp conversations as evidence.
I hope that helps, and good luck