I'm just not seeing it. Theresa May wants to rush headlong into a plan which will directly affect the live of millions of UK and EU citizens, starting the process by the end of this month. This is truly monumental, yet:secret.simon wrote:I disagree. I think both Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon are very wily political animals.ouflak1 wrote:It is disappointing to see that where there are obvious paths forward for compromise and working together for everybody, all we are seeing is petty bickering. Overrall, the leadership in this mess (UK, EU, and Scotland) has really been poor.
- 1. She has not hinted at a plan to deal with the million plus UK citizens living permanently in the EU.
2. She has not hinted at a plan for trade deals that must be established with the EU nations either individually or as a whole, not to mention the host of other economic matters that have to be dealt with before Brexit is finalized.
3. She has not given any indication on which, if any, EU laws might still be adhered to, or even if she has a concept that this particular point leaves a void in our existing laws.
I suppose it could be argued that everybody is holding everything a secret so they don't spoil their 'bargaining position'. But we are not bargaining chips. We are the people paying their salaries, not paying for them to play political hide-and-seek. Too many individuals, too many businesses, too many governments need these people to come together and work together to make the best deal for everybody involved on all sides, EVERYBODY. We do not need twittered snide remarks to each other about how tough they are.
From my point of view, this lack of even the smallest bit of public acknowledgement that these issues are being considered makes me think that either they aren't being considered. I'm left to wonder if these politicians are just going to fly by the seat of their pants through negotiations without a clue are care given to what actually needs to be done and whose lives are affected by all of this. I'm left to wonder if they simply don't know what the hell they are doing and can't find anybody around them capable of straightforward negotiating and that's why we hear nothing. I'm left to wonder if these people really are as petty as the media is portraying them (and I'm not leaving the media out of some blame here for their click bait inaccurate headlines), and this pettiness will be what decides the outcome of Brexit, a fact that would demonstrate gross incompetence.
And as far as Sturgeon is concerned. She was suckered along with the of the Scots into ignoring reality and having a doomed referendum, effectively killing any chance of holding a proper one with the voting public having all of the information available. If she was 'wily', she would have seen right through that ruse and figured out a way to retain EU membership for Scotland and either leave the United Kingdom, or remain in the UK with Scotland having a special status in the EU. Again, there is no evidence whatsoever that she was that politically aware of the situation. I don't see that she is aware of reality right now. Is she truly expecting a second referendum? Ok, maybe this is just political manuevering, but the goal isn't clear to anybody. Unless the EU comes out and point-blank states that Scotland is in no matter what, there isn't reason for her to be attempting to rattle any sabers she doesn't have, except to possibly advance to her own political aspirations, which is of no use to anybody, especially those she supposedly represents.
I want to believe that this lot are actually capable, but in light of evidence to support that, and considerable evidence to contradict that (their silence on issues that actually matter), what conclusion is there left to draw?