by Neelam81 » Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:20 pm
Hi i am a uk citizen and my huband has a indian passport but he has settlement in the UK and thats what his residence permit say's i am very confused on what type of visa to apply for as the spanish website states the following
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Under Directive 2004/38/EC and according to Real Decreto 240/2007, 16 February, Family members of an EU/EEA National in possession of a valid 1*UK Residence Permit / 2* British Residence Permit card are not required of a visa to enter Spain if traveling with or intending to join the EEA family member. If the person travels without the family member, they would be required to apply under the Tourist visa category and provide all of the required documentation for the same, and would be required to pay the visa fee in addition to the service charge. Please note that the UK Residence Permit/BRP card must state the exact following wording
1* “Residence Card of a Family Member of an EEA/EU National”2 * “Residence Card of a Family Member of a Union Citizen”
as he's a spouse of a eu national should i apply for eu spouse visa or tourist?
please help i'm very confused
Thanks in advance x